Chapter 3: Colten Alley

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Harry made his way to Dumbledore's office with a set of his school robes on. He had a long day of lessons and had gone straight to the chamber after his rather dramatic lesson with Snape with the man sending him confused glances at every chance he could as if trying to convince himself that their encounter had not been real or a bad side effect of a wrongly-made potion.


Harry had been copying down the notes of the first chapter of Confronting the Faceless when he felt a presence in his mind. He looked over to Snape who was completely still, a side effect of a person performing high-level Legilimency. He dived into his own mindscape and sensed Snape snooping around the perimeter of his Occlumency walls.

Deciding to mess with him a little, he sent a blast of Pure Dark Magic towards him. He had learnt how to harness his pure magic without the use of spells. He sent the wave of pure magic towards the DADA Professor - nothing harmful.

Harry pulled out of his mindscape and looked at the man at the teacher's staring daggers at him. He knew it had worked. Snape started looking at him as if he was insane. Harry continued with his work and when the man wouldn't stop, he looked up at the 'Greasy Git' as Ron called him. Harry had deduced that due to being amid potions all day, his hair had adjusted somehow.

Harry winked.

The man quickly stopped looking at him and continued with whatever work he had. He wasn't quite sure what kind of work it was as it was only the beginning of the school year. Harry, feeling quite pleased with himself, continued writing his notes, an almost unnoticeable smirk on his face.


Harry collected his things and shoved them into his bag that had been temporarily enlarged due to not having enough space for books larger than an A3 paper size. He was dropping his Self-Inking quill into his greenish-grey rucksack when he heard Hermione call out for him.

"Come on, Harry," she whined bossily, "We need to go!"

Harry was sick and tired of hearing that annoying voice always nagging at him but he never said anything and he wouldn't waste all that effort now so he reluctantly swung his backpack on and was going to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He swung around and within a second had his wand pointed at the man.

"What do you think you're doing, Mr Potter," Snape sneered taking a step back.

Harry, realizing who it was, quickly pocketed the stick and sighed, "Apologies, Professor, reflexes."

Hermione had already left. On top of being bossy, impatient and overbearing, apparently, she was also rude.

"Detention for pointing a wand at a professor," he sneered, to Harry's dismay. He had been waiting to crack open a new book on Dark Mind Magicks for days.

"Of course, Professor."

"Tonight at 8 in my office," he said before walking out of the classroom not leaving Harry a chance to even answer. He had that meeting with Dumbledore at eight so Snape wasn't going to be happy when he didn't show up. Great.

Harry shrugged to himself before adjusting his backpack and running out of the door before Hermione could lecture him again.


Harry walked up to the Gargoyle he had spoken to on numerous occasions. He had been to the Headmaster's office more times than he could count on both hands.

"Acid Pops," he said calmly, smiling at the stone animal. The sound of scraping stone filled his ears before he stepped into the winding staircase hidden behind the beast of stone.

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