Chapter 11: The Dark Lord

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They looked around the place with a permanent look of disgust plastered on their faces. They were in a foul-smelling alleyway off Knockturn Alley.

The Dark Lord, Severus, Lucius and Draco stood outside a unkempt garage door of sorts which apparently was the entrance to a high-class bar, exclusive to the Dark Side.

"Draco," the sibilant tones of Lucius' voice echoed slightly on the dirtied walls of the almost empty alley, "Are you sure this is the right place?" he warned as his hand gripped Draco's shoulder.

His father had been very worried for Draco when he was marked. When the Dark Lord was 'reborn' as they called it, he had gone through a stage of complete insanity, torturing and almost killing everyone in sight. It was lucky that Lucius was of value to him or else he may have suffered a fate worse than Death itself.

Luckily for Draco, the man had kind of ended the 'insanity' phase, and was much more lenient, though that didn't mean he was a complete teddy bear. No, he still had an undoubtedly short temper but it was better than complete lunacy. He even allowed for Severus to assist in killing Dumbledore. He would have preferred that he wasn't to one to kill him but understood why the Dark Lord wanted him to do it.

"Yes father," he shrugged his father's hand off his shoulder. In Draco's eyes, the Dark Lord was way more understanding than his father had described him. Perhaps he was just being over-dramatic. He did have a reputation for being quite the Diva.

"We have to walk right through this wall," he gestured to the wall covered in grime and dirt.

Lucius gave Draco a stern look as if to warn him. Draco gave him a confused look back. Did his father not trust him enough not to upset the Dark Lord? Sure, he might not have been a complete lunatic but he was not crazy enough to upset him. He still had quite the reputation.

After his 'rebirth', he was born as a snake-like creature with uncontrollable anger. Wormtail definitely messed up the ritual. Luckily, there is nothing a little magic can't fix. Did they really think that he would stay an ugly nose-less creature. Ew.

He was now rather good-looking, in his eyes; with dark brown curls and a sharp jawline. He kept the eyes of crimson purely because he loved how it struck fear into people. He was fully capable of bringing his chocolate-brown eyes back and often did when he wanted to blend in; like on this occasion.

"Now, now Lucius, play nicely," the Dark Lord said putting a hand on Lucius' shoulder causing him to tense.

"Lead the way, Draco," he encouraged the boy.

Draco took a look at his father and nodded. He took a few steps forward and to his relief, he didn't hit the wall.

Severus followed behind him and the Dark Lord let go of Lucius' shoulder, to the man's relief.

The rather tall man, dressed in long black combat robes, followed after the Potions Master with a stride so smooth that it looked as though he was gliding.

As soon as he stepped through, he felt a strong compulsion charm wash over him. Lucius came in shortly after him and he saw his eyes glaze over. He looked over at Severus and Draco and they were similarly still.

He was surprised that it went through the Potion Master's Occlumency shields.

He took in his surroundings and found that he was in a small room with a red curtain as one of the walls. With that thought, a woman, dressed in a server's uniform opened the curtains.

"Are you guys spies?" she asked monotonously as if it was something she said 200 times a day.

Immediately, as if programmed to do so, Severus, Lucius and Draco replied in unison, "Yes, we are spies for the Dark Lord."

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