Visiting The Southern Water Tribe (1)

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Your Pov

I quickly flattered my eyes open to feel the cold breeze hitting my body "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Ikki kept repeating over the hundredth time for the last fifteen minutes.

I sat up from the saddle to look down to see we already arrived in the southern water tribe compound.

"It looks like we're there! I know this is very familiar! Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Oh, please tell me we're here!"

Looking around the compound to see nothing has changed over the last few years.

"Yes, Ikki as I've been telling you for the last fifteen minutes, we are finally here." Tenzin sighed in relief 

"Weee!" Ikki and Jinora leap out of the saddle riding air scooters down their sky bison's tail.

I grab Meelo from Tenzin's head without biting it any further "At least for now you'll be able to relax a bit." I slid down from Oogi's tail putting Meelo down.

"Thank you y/n," Uncle Tenzin whispered in relief getting off of Oogi to greet grandmother

"Hello, Mother. I can't tell you happy I am to see you." Jinora and Ikki came to their father's side. I turn around to see Pema struggling a bit going down Oogi.

"Here, let me help you, auntie." Helping Pema down Oogi's back.

"Thank you y/n. You've always been so helpful just like your mother," She puts her hand on my shoulder before walking up to Tenzin and grandma.

"Good to see you still care for other people," I quickly turn around to see Korra with her hands behind her back. 

I quickly ran up to Korra giving her a hug.

"Korra! It's been so long!" Both let go of the quick hug.

"It's been almost two years since you've last seen me," Korra pointed out as I laughed

"Yeah, but I was stuck here for two years training with my grandmother."

I pointed out as Korra puts her arms up in defeat "Yeah, you got me there but those were the best two years of my life since I wasn't alone," Korra slightly smiled as I smiled back at her.

I felt a presence behind me as I turned around to see uncle Tenzin, Pema, and grandmother.

"Korra? Look at you. So big and strong. You've grown into quite the young Avatar," He placed both of his hands on Korra's shoulders.

Korra happily smiled at Tenzin "Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to get started." He slowly looked away from Korra.

"Yes, well... uh..." His attention turned to his wife.

"You're going to have to tell her sooner or later," Pema pointed out as Korra tilted her head.

"What? Tell me what?" Grandmother narrows her eyebrows.

"You're not staying are you?"

I let out a sigh looking at grandmother's sad facial expression "I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night, then I have to return to Republic City." Uncle explained the situation.

Korra narrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"But, no... you're supposed to move here. You're supposed to teach me," He placed both of his hands back onto her shoulders.


Sitting in the dining hall talking about Korra's airbending training with the white lotus and my uncle.

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