Endgame (22)

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Your Pov

Iroh generates lightning and directs it to the middle plane, causing it to crash to the plane beside it as I keep my eyes in the sky.

Maybe I should've taken lessons after all.

A plane disperses as one pilot shoots an explosive bola at our plane causing it to get caught up in the main propeller.

Crap! Iron quickly turned his head toward me "We're going to have to jump!"

I nodded my head standing up from the pilot seat walking toward the edge of the plane wing.

Guess it's time to fly. I took in a deep breath tipping over the edge as wind surrounds my body.

Multiplying the wind carrying myself in the wind as Iroh to bail out the plane before the explosion.

"There's another one not too far from us!" I exclaimed as he turned his head staring back at the plane.

"That's our next target!"

Iroh free-falls using his firebending to propel himself to another plane.

I shot fire toward another plane disabled one of the propellers on the plane in front of him.

Iroh kicks the pilot off the plane and takes control of it.

I land on the edge of the plane wing quickly apart from the plane.

A bomb manages to hit the rear end of the plane.

Iroh tries to control the plane "Need help?"

"No! I got this!" He yells. Not admitting defeat like always. I look up above a plane about to drop another bomb.

I shot fire toward the plane above us cussing the plane to explode. "Grab my hand!"

Our own plane is on a collision course with the statue of Aang on Memorial Island covered with a mask.

I reached out for his hand as my body begins to slip off the plane.


Just a bit closer!

Pulling myself further up grabbing his hand. He tightly grips his hand pulling me up quickly jumping out and grabbing the equalist banner, causing it to tear.

Hanging in midair witnessing the mask fall off the statue.

"Thanks for looking out for us, Aang."


"Do you think we won?" Iroh briefly stares back at avatar Aang statue.

"No doubt about it." I smile back at him as a familiar noise above us catches my attention.

I quickly stand up as a sky bison circles around the bay landing near the edge.

"Y/n!" Loud high pitch voices exclaimed as Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo jumping off of Oogi running full speed toward me.

They're safe...

Ikki and Meelo jumped into my arms I took a few steps back stumbling my balance a bit.

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now