Peggy Carter X Fem Reader (Marvel)

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Watching the Captain America first Avenger movie with my Brother and thought of this oneshot for the lovely Peggy Carter.

Summary: Y/N Erskine is Dr Erskines daughter she is there when the Super solider serum is shown to the army generals. She also meets Peggy Carter.

Third person pov...

Steve steps out onto a raised platform and gapes the huge ultra modern Lab streches far larger than the store outside.

Techs operate the machinery. Engineers man monitor, They all look respectfully at Steve.

Dr. Erskine scurries about in the center of all prepping. Steve takes it all in, looking over to an observation booth

where a group of men gather.

A girl who resembles Dr Erskine hand the Doctor a clipboard. "Here you go dad" she said a German accent, her words surprised Steve 'he had a daughter'. The Dr smiles at her "Thank you Y/N dear" he said.

Y/N then smiled at both of them,
Erskine jostles a nervous Peggy as he tries to squeeze past her. Y/N looks at the pretty lady and blushes 'she's gorgeous' thought the Dr's Daughter Erskine sees his daughter and the look on her face he smiles and shakes his head.

"Y/N, Agent Carter, wouldn't you be more comfortable in the booth?" Said the Dr, both woman get the hint. Peggy smiles at Steve.

The two walk to the booth and sit down, Y/N turns to her "Hallo I'm Y/N Erskine" she said, Peggy looked at the younger girl "Peggy Carter" said the British lady. The two smile and shake hands.

Erskine pulls down an overhead microphone. He looks to the

booth, waiting until Phillips is standing near a speaker. He taps hard on the mic. Phillips winces, holding his ear.

Y/N sees this and laughs behind her hand quietly, Peggy catches on and smiles a small smile herself but nudges Y/N to stop laughing.

Peggy could tell they will be come good friends, maybe more ;)

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot for Peggy!

Word count : 345

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