Chapter 1-The morning

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Drowsily I opened my eyes, blinking them a few times in order to bring life to my sight as I sat myself up. Taking up my hands to wipe away all sleep before finally turning on that lamp by my bed side stable. I sighed, another day. Slowly I pushed myself up and took a gaze around the room. I had a hard time finding things to put in it making it rather bear and my somewhat gullible nature had lead me into getting me into quite a few scams leaving my bell count low. I rolled my eyes. Scams. You'd think by this point I would of managed to safely browse the world of Nookazon and I could, it was everyone else who couldn't. Anyway after the last time it was never going to happen again, the holding of my golden tool should be enough to scare any scammer off. I laughed menacingly to myself, halve jokingly, halve in pure menace. The thought of them cowering in fear as soon as they layer eyes upon that Golding axe was pleasing. I could even give it a few swings first just so they knew I meant business and would easily bring it down upon them. 

I decided to add some pace to my walk today, actually a lot of pace to my walk. I was eager to finish my routine of chores in order to go almost straight to the buying. I walked up my path and took a right at the plaza turning into my orchard. My starting fruit was apples which was what I had of course started with but now it was completely wiped out. I had no need for a fruit that made barely anything more then a hundred or so bells at the nook stop. This was especially true when I could easily replace each tree with a pear one that sold for so much more. I'd been starting to set my sights upon peaches to as on Nookazon they also seemed to sell for so much more as well.Peaches.It wasn't really fair though was it? I thought as I began to shake my trees, that if you were to start with peaches that you could easily make so much more money then anyone else. I'd complained about it to Tom Nook plenty of times but he'd always just blame it on the players rather then the game itself.

"The pears have already fell. Can I have one?" A friendly upbeat voice came.

I took a look at the tree and my hands immediately fell down to my side, sticks covered the ground. 

"Erm...sure." I replied bending over to scoop one up "Here you go Dizzy." I smiled at him handing over the pear which he in response snatched out of my hand and stuffed it in his face.

"Yummy!" He said his mouth still halve stuffed with pear. I giggled, these villagers were rather strange with their silly customs and small personalities but charming. All so very charming. I watched with great interest my head tilting to the side as without another word he wandered off, accidentally stomping his big elephant feat all the way.

"Texas!"A loud voice came. Oh no, I knew who this one was. Tom nook."Ive got something I'm in the need of doing." Why he always asked me for this stuff, why they all asked me was a mystery. A big one but not one I had any care in uncovering. "You missed your talk with Isabelle this morning."

"Oh did I?" I tried to act as shocked and as polite as possible. Using every fibre in me not to just turn around and walk away.

"Yes, you did." He said in that stern voice of his as if he was telling off one of his nephews. For a moment a horrible scorn started to come across my face before I quickly caught my self.

"Oh I'm ever so sorry." I apologised, tracing out the faint sound of sarcasm that lingered in my voice.

"Yeah well." He huffed "There's going to be shooting starts tonight, I want you to get some for me. Will you?"

"Of course." I replied, forcing a smile onto my face. Why couldn't he just do it himself? Oh I guess I'll never know but it'll be an easy task at least. I only need to stand their for a minute and the beach is already covered in stars.

"Thankyou, your a good person." He patted my shoulder before then turning away.

Your a good person. His words replayed in my head, of course I was a good person. If I wasn't then why was I doing everyone else's tasks day in and day out. Look at him, I glared into his back as he made his way back to the plaza, thinking he's all holy and righteous stealing my money and time. It should be me handing out the compliments!

I turned myself back to the pear trees and sighed, this was going to take a lot longer then I thought.

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