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"Oh my God. What's going on here?" a voice wakes me up. I just turn over and try to go back to sleep when I suddenly remember where I am, who I'm with and who just said that. 

I sit up quickly, look around the room a few times until my eyes get used to the brightness and my gaze meets Gio's exactly.

Jude also sits up now and looks at him sleepily.

 "What are you doing here?" asks Jude finally, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Your mother let me in. I couldn't know that you were back together and doing I don' know what things  here," he says, raising his arms in the air defensively.

"We're not back together," I say quickly and look once at the wall. I've really never noticed before how beautifully white and empty they are and so...

"What are you then?" asks Gio, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um... maybe friends?", I say and look at him. 

There is silence for a few seconds and Gio looks back and forth between me and Jude until he suddenly bursts out laughing. 

Jude and I just throw each other a quick "what's wrong with him?" look and then focus again on a laughing Gio. When he then notices our serious looks, he looks at us with wide eyes.

 "Wait a minute. You're serious?" he asks, shocked. 

The two of us just nod in agreement and he still looks shocked until he suddenly starts laughing again.

 "You're really funny.", Jude says and gets up from the bed. 

"Oh come on. Everyone knows you two could never be just friends. I can't even imagine that in my dreams. So skip this awkward we're-just-friends phase and get together right now. It's the best thing for all of us. Believe me," he says, patting Jude twice on the shoulder. 

"Um... yeah. I'm going to the bathroom," I say and quickly leave before the situation can get any more awkward.

I believe that Jude and I can only be normal friends. I mean why not? It won't be that hard.

I brush my teeth quickly with my toothbrush, which is still here, and then go back into the room where the other two are already waiting.

Jude has also changed in the meantime and is now ready for his training.

"Sorry Leya. I would really drive you home now, but Gio says we don't have time for that," Jude says, giving me a somewhat pitiful look.

"No, no problem at all. I'll just walk.", I say and give the two of them a quick smile.

"Okay then, bye my friend," Jude says and holds out his hand to me to say goodbye.

Standing in the middle next to us is Gio, his expression contorting as if he's bitten into a sour lemon.

"Oh god, help. I don't want to see this," he says quickly, closing his eyes and trying to get out of the room as best he can.

"Yeah. Bye, my friend.", I say too and we decide to shake hands after all.

We nod at each other briefly until he finally leaves the room.

I fall back on his bed for a moment to process everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now