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"I take your bag", Jude says after I arrived in Birmingham.

This time I didn't take the plane but the train.

"It's so cold here. How did you manage to live here half your life?", I ask Jude when I put my arms around me to warm myself a bit. 

"You live in London. It's as cold there as here", he says mockingly and laughes.

"Come on. Take this on", he says and throws his jacket over to me.

I won't let myself be told twice and just take on his jacket.

"What are your plans for the next days?", I ask him hoping he wants to spend time with me.

"I don't know yet. I want to spend time with you but I also want to spend time with my family. Who knows when we see each other again", he says putting my suitcase in the trunk.

As soon as he finishes he stands at his car and looks at me.

"Come on let's drive home, I'm freezing", I say getting in the car.

"This house looks absolutely beautiful", I say as we drive in the driveway.

"Is your family at home?", I ask again.

" I am not sure, they all went out for a walk earlier but I don't think they are already back here", he says parking in front of the house.

"I'm a bit nervous", I admit as he stands in front of me, waiting for me to come out of the car.

"You don't have to be. You already know them all, don't you?" he says and we wait for another 2 minutes.

And 2 minutes later again, we are standing in front of the door.

"Do you want to come in?" Jude says suddenly.

What? Oh I didn't notice that the door is already open.

"Yeah I'm already in", I say and roll my eyes at him.

I walk through the hallway and look in every room I see. It's much smaller here than in Dortmund but it's so comfortable and cute. It seems like the perfect family house.

"Come with me. I'll show you your room", Jude says and walks up the stairs.

Actually I don't need an own room anyways. I'm sure I'll sleep in Jude's room but we aren't together at the moment so that's probably why he offers me a own room.

I would have done it the same way so never mind.

"Thank you Jude"' I say when he is about to leave the room to unpack my things.

"For what?", he says and turns around to face me.

"For letting me stay here. This means a lot to me", I say and smile at him.

He smiles back but says nothing more.

"Hello? Jude? Leya?", we suddenly hear a voice shouting through the house.

"We're here", Jude shouts back and turns to me once again.

"Do you want to come downstairs with me?", he asks kindly.

"Yes. I think so", I answer and take a deep breath.

He takes my hand and we go downstairs before I can complain about what he just did.

"Do you want to drink something?", Denise asks me after I greeted everyone.

I have to admit that it wasn't bad. On the contrary. It was really good.

"Yes. Thank you", I answer and she hands me a glass of water.

"What do you all want to eat this evening?", she asks again looking at her two sons and at me.

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now