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"Ok, so what are the rules?" You asked Technoblade as you observed the weapons on the display case.

As Technoblade went to answer, your attention was brought to a Piglin standing in the doorway of the training room. Aegeus.

"Aegeus! Just the Piglin I needed!" You exclaimed with a smile. "Could you umpire our sparring? I have a feeling Lord Technoblade likes to fight dirty and a second eye could be useful" you asked as you scanned the swords that hung on the wall.

"I- I don't see why not. I have nothing else to do at this very moment" Aegeus answered looking very confused. The sight made you chuckle slightly but you didn't bother concentrating on it.

"Wait. I don't fight dirty. How dare you assume that. Do you even have any proof?" Technoblade burst out.

You decided not to respond to that question and, instead, respond to his earlier question. "Ok, the rules are simple. We're technically not sparring. It's just going to be a full-on battle. That's how I like it, so it sucks if you don't. Whoever concedes defeat first, loses. There is no reason to use more strength than necessary though, so be a little gentle. And, no playing dirty. Got it? Sounds fair?"

"Yes, that seems fair. Oh, and don't use your powers y/n. I'd much appreciate not getting set on fire or sliced to bits like that one obsidian mannequin-" Technoblade began before you quickly cut him off, not wanting to remember your anger from that evening.

"All seems lovely! Aegeus, dear, are you ready?" You asked, grabbing a gold and iron sword that was glittered with specs of obsidian. It amazed you how such gorgeous swords could be thrown away and used for practice. All they needed was some sharpening and cleaning and they'd be as good as new.

You admired the sword in your hands for a while. The blade was blunt, unsurprisingly, and the handle was a deep gold with obsidian jewels. The hilt had the royal crest imprinted into it with sparkling gold surrounding it. The blade itself had a pattern going down it: a simple white line with the crests of the Nether Nations. The sword was old. Very old if it still had the Nether Nations.

The Nether Nations was a peace treaty that was made a few hundred years to keep peace within the Nether. Each species would work with another to keep this harmony, including the Wither Skeletons. Yet, just a few years before your birth, they began to riot. They were angry, saying they weren't benefiting from the treaty. Almost instantly, the treaty was thrown out and havoc was released. Yet, the Blazes and the Pigmen carried on working together, hence your father defeating the riot and taking his place as King. Now, the treaty stood in a museum as a memorial for the soldiers who died in the riots.

Suddenly, you pulled yourself from your trance as you noticed the silence of the room. You looked up to see Aegeus blushing like a mad man, looking down at the ground, and Technoblade with a hint of a scowl under his mask as he stared at Aegeus. You had no idea what caused this reaction so you elected to ignore it while taking this opportunity to take a dagger from the display case and shove it into your boot, just in case.

"Come on, old man. You ready?" You joked at Technoblade, spinning the sword in your hands.

"Oh, I was born ready" he answered, moving towards the spot you had chosen to spar. The training room was still full of other soldiers but the majority of them stayed away from you. Smart.

In the centre of the room was a specific area for sparring. On the ground, the tiles in the area had been exchanged for a different material, unknown to you, that was softer than tile so when you fell, you felt no pain yet it was still firm as you walked on it. It was a mystery to yet a blessing, nonetheless. The area was a large circle with a clear outline of where the boundaries lied. Take a single step out and the opponent gets a point. Simple.

You stood on your side of the area, your knees slightly bent as the sword stood firmly in your grasp. Technoblade did the same, his stance similar to yours as you waited for Aegeus' countdown.




And with that, the two of you charged at each other. Immediately, Technoblade shoved his sword with force onto your gold one, making you take a step back. In return, you raised your foot and kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble back slightly before he regained his balance and stared at you with a frown.

Suddenly, Technoblade sprinted towards you, his sword held high. You quickly blocked his swing right before he retracted and threw another. You were barely able to move fast enough as he kept swinging his sword at you, pushing you backwards. However, he was so focused on hitting you that he forgot to block any openings he was giving you. So, you took an opportunity and got ready to strike back.

The moment his sword made contact with yours, once again, you shoved all of your weight onto it, startling him. You pushed your body in his direction causing him to take a few steps back. With this, you kicked him in the stomach once again making him stumble backwards. This time, however, he didn't regain his balance and he fell to the ground. Instinctively, you raised your sword to his face.

"Concede defeat" you instructed.

However, a smirk grew on Technoblade's face. This immediately worried you. As his smirk grew, he slid his feet next to yours and tripped you over, causing you to fall flat onto your back, your sword flying out of reach. Rushing, Technoblade stood up and pointed his onyx sword at your throat.

"How about you" he sighed. His eyes made direct contact with yours as he panted, trying to hide that he was out of breath. You stayed silent and took this opportunity to, very carefully, reach for your hidden dagger.

Some soldiers seemed to of gathered around, all watching as their generals fought. All eyes were on the two of you as they shouted, yelling their bets on who they thought would win.

You could hear everyone yelling your opponent's name. Not a single soldier was on your side. Of course not. Why would they be? However, you used this as motivation. You'd prove them to be idiots.

With this, your hand slipped into your boot and you pulled the dagger from it, still concealing it. Fortunately, Technoblade's eyes never left your own. With the small dagger in your hand, you had managed to slip your foot in between Techno's and made him lose his footing, allowing him to fall roughly to the ground. You quickly stood up and lunged to sit on his stomach, straddling him in the process, meaning he couldn't get up. For fun, you pointed the blunt dagger at the Pigman's eyes. The blade was centimetres from his pupil, causing him to tense up.

"Concede defeat and you'll walk away with both eyes" you threatened, though, the both of you knew you weren't going to go through with the threat.

The hybrid put his hands up in defeat, his eyes still focused on the blade that sat mere inches from his eye.

"I concede"

And with that, you smirked and stood up, grabbing your sword as you walked back to the display. You felt all the eyes in the room on you.

As you were hooking your sword back up, you felt a hand place against your upper back, causing you to tense up.

"Ok. So maybe you were right. I suppose you can 'take me' as you said" Techno huffed, his hand lingering on you for a moment longer before he took it off to hook his own sword back up.

"What can I say, I'm pretty strong" you joked, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something for the last few days" Technoblade began, gaining your interest. You rolled your wrist, indicating for him to ask away. He instantly looked down at the ground and his hand made its way to the back of his neck. He was nervous. You hadn't seen this Pigman nervous since the night he took his mask off. "Would you... Umm...like to-"

"Speed up with it, I don't have all day. Well, I do, but you get what I mean" you laughed, hoping to make him less nervous.

"Would you like to come to the ball...with me?" He anxiously asked, avoiding looking at you.

"Technoblade, I would love to go to the ball with you"

Bloodshed [ Technoblade x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now