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The next morning, you were awake before everyone. Not even the morning shift servants were awake yet. But you were and you had no idea what to do with yourself. After you left Technoblade, you had quickly returned to the ballroom to let the people know they were safe and to return to their homes and then you went back to your own room. You had immediately changed out of the dress which had been completely torn to shreds by the skeletons, now completely unwearable, opting for some comfortable trousers and one of your looser shirts. You had attempted to sleep but with everything that has just happened, your mind would not rest. Firstly, your mind would not keep repeating your night with Technoblade; the jokes, the laughs, the dance, the...


You just couldn't stop. And then of course was the fact that the Wither Skeletons had attempted to attack the fortress. If it weren't for the ball, most people would have been asleep, and they may have succeeded. How they managed to sneak past the mass number of guards you had stationed all around the fortress you didn't know but it certainly made you think about the war you were to fight in merely a few days. It made you wonder if you should rethink some of your tactics. What if the skeletons were smarter then you thought? What if they were stronger then you thought? You only prayed they weren't.

And so, you spent most of your night going over the plans for the war whilst simultaneously making an inventory list of things you would need large supplies of for the battle. You were even tempted to go to the forge and make some more weapons but that would have woken up the people that sleep near that wing so that idea was quickly thrown out. And so, you spent the night doing an unnecessary amount of maths to make sure that you would have enough tools and supplies. You just had to remember to drop this list of to the war inventory clerk so he could have everything gathered as soon as possible. But unfortunately, that hadn't lasted you as long as you hoped. In fact, you still had plenty of hours before the day was to begin and people were to wake. So, you decided to do what you used to when you couldn't sleep.

You were going for a walk around the fortress.

And so, you changed into more appropriate clothing, consisting of some regular black trousers, a white shirt and a red jacket along with your regular boots, you left your grand room and began your old tour of the fortress.

You had missed the peacefulness of the hallways at night. Your forgot how much the idea of such a large building that's corridors bustled with people and activity during the day being so abandoned and peaceful during the night always interested you.

Without even thinking, you had made your way towards the bridge connecting the two west towers. You were now stood against its ledge, your arms loosely hanging off its wall as you thought to yourself. You had spent enough time thinking about battle plans, so you supposed now was a better time then any to think about the...other things.

You didn't really know what to think about them. You weren't even sure why Technoblade had taken over so much of your mind. Yes, the two of you had nearly kissed but you were drunk, and it was probably just a confused mixed of emotions, from both sides. Besides, it's not like you liked Technoblade in that way. Sure, he was attractive, but anyone could admit that. But you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about how funny you found him and how safe you felt around him and how much you enjoy his company and how, when he touched you, your skin set alight and...


Oh no.

You did like him like that. That was not ideal. It could have been any other time than this, especially after the last time you felt these feelings. Now that you had come to this revelation, you felt a wave of nausea washing over yourself, with a pounding headache and a scratchy throat to accompany it.

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