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I did what I usually do in balls and conversed with the other nobles. I stood as far away from Rosaline as possible as to not notice her yet my eyes would always travel to her. She wasn't making a scene, she wasn't trying to talk to me, all she was doing was eating and never stopping. 'I never knew she had such a big appetite.' Soon after a young woman came to her, it looked to be Ellanor Serpretus. Unlike how I thought it would go Rosaline didn't get mad that someone tried to talk to her and instead seemed kind of happy. Even though lady Ellanor was doing all the talking. Rosaline was making expressions I had never seen from her, she seemed so different.

Against my best judgement I decided to walk up to her. The usual Rosaline would've jumped with joy having me go up to her first but she only stared. Not saying a single word, looking like she was lost in thoughts trying to figure out whether to take my hand and soon enough she did. She gave me a smile but it felt different from the others she had done before. Even when I thought back to the ride we took to get here she didn't talk to me once, she didn't even glance at me. 'Just how different has she become?'

We went to the dance floor and started dancing, Rosaline seemed to be struggling a bit. Most likely having forgotten parts of ballroom dancing but then she made a big mistake. She tripped and I watched as her body fell, at least that's how I normally would've reacted but for some reason my body moved on it's own.

I grabbed her by the waist and looked down on her. She looked shocked and clearly had a lot going through her mind yet she could only ask a simple 'why?'. I myself did not know the answer. I hadn't noticed that the expression I would always give her was starting to change. I looked at her with confusion, I too wanted to know what was going on. I pulled her up and we continued to dance, some people around us were clapping, thinking that fall was a part of the dance. The ball came to a close and we went back in silence. Not speaking a single word to each other.





It had been a week since the ball incident and I still felt confused over it. Why did he grab me and help me up? The Elliot in the novel watched Rosaline fall with no care. "The tea is ready Lady Rosaline." Anna broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at her and then the steaming tea. I took a sip hoping it would calm my nerves but it wasn't really helping that much. "Could you take me to the library Anna?"

"Why of course Lady Rosaline." She said with a soft smile. Anna didn't seem to be as scared to be near me as before which I felt thankful over. Anytime I spoke a word it looked like she was gonna burst into tears. Hopefully she didn't see me as a threat anymore. She took me too the library and as soon as she opened the door the smell of old books hit me. I would often read books when down, they were a great distraction and would make me forget about the real world and my life. That was actually how I found this novel. It was on a day where I just wanted to escape from my emotions and to stop me from thinking. I just wanted to feel calm and after reading several books I happened upon this one and as soon as I read the first chapter I was hooked. I couldn't put the book down and just kept on reading for hours and hours, and by the time I snapped out of it I realized it was midnight.


"Y- Yes Lady Rosaline?" I had clearly startled her. I let out a small sigh feeling bad since she still felt some fear around me.

"I wish to be alone so could you please leave?" I said as I took a book in my hand and then put it back. It was only a boring history book about wars and stuff.

"Of course."

I walked around, looking to see if there were any books here that I would be interested in reading. I took as many books as possible and sat down on the black table and read. It was morning, and then evening, and then before I knew it the sun was setting.

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