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Elliot decided to go watch his knights and see how skilled they had become, it had been a while since he'd last seen their practices. They were practicing in an open area near the storage room. The sun shone and the men were tired and sweaty from the heat. Some were laying down to get a breather while others weren't stopping even if it felt like their bones were about to crack. Elliot looked around trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of a certain ginger. He soon felt a strange presence behind him and chose to speak. "Dagen I can tell you're behind me, don't try to hide."

Dagen jumped out to give Elliot a hug. "Aww, I wanted to surprise you."

"Don't hug me while you're all sweaty."

Dagen let go as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."

Elliot furrowed, feeling annoyed by his attitude.

"But why are you here?" Dagen asked.

"Just felt like walking around and check on some things. I've been stuck in my room for a while now."

"Really? Weren't you on a date with lady Vladenburg just recently?"

"It wasn't a date." Elliot scoffed.

Dagen chuckled at the clear distaste on Elliot's face.

"By the way, when are you going to marry her?"

Elliot couldn't answer and only looked forward.

"Y'know she won't stay with you forever, she could easily run off with another man if she wanted to. It'd be better for you to make things official." He said as he adjusted his gloves.

"... I've seen enough, you go back to training." He said as he walked away.

"Aww, I didn't mean to make you run away." Dagen pouted.

"I am not running away." Elliot barked which only made Dagen laugh.




Rosaline was standing near the mirror as Itri was sitting on a round stool infront of her getting his hair brushed. "Does it hurt?"

"No.. It actually feels kind of nice." Itri said with a soft smile which made Rosaline smile back.

"Lady Rosaline!" Anna called out.

"What is it?"

"It's Robert Gilenburg, he's come to talk to you again. He's waiting in the garden."

'Malfus!? Why is he here?'

Rosaline turned to give Itri a smile as she patted his head. "It's alright, you can wait here."

Itri grabbed onto her hand. "No, I- I want to go with you.. If that's.. ok?"

She looked at him shocked but then laughed lightly as she held his hand back. He jumped down of the stool and they walked to the garden together. After some time she could see his figure, his wavy forest green hair blowing in the win, dark olive skin that shone from the sun and green eyes that looked as if they sparkled. He looked beautiful and as if the garden was a part of his home, she couldn't deny that, but he was still a big nuisance.

"What are you here for?"

Malfas turned to look at her. "Is it true you fell into a river?" He asked while laughing.

"Yes, well actually I jumped but whatever just leave."

"Oh how I wish I could've seen that." He said as he wiped a fake tear.

"Continue talking and I'll push you into one."

"That kid next to you, he's the one you were searching for right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing really, just wondering."

Elliot walked around and noticed that he'd gotten close to the garden and saw Rosalines figure. He felt a cloudy feeling as soon as he saw her but that immediately turned sour once he saw the man flirting with her.

Dagen's words came back to him as he watched them.

"She won't stay with you forever."

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now