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muraat.saeed requested to follow you.

Mashal blinked at her screen once, twice and thrice. The Instagram notification was still there. It didn't magically disappear. Gosh! It wasn't any dream. It was real. Heat raised onto her cheeks as she frantically got up from her bed and walked towards the windows, sleep disappeared far away from her eyes. She held the curtains tightly, hesitating if she should open them. Her gut feeling told that Murat was standing there, on his balcony with a phone in his hands. Maybe even shirtless (astaghfirullah), like he was the other night. She was too shy to open the curtains now. Her heart was pounding hard suddenly.

It was two a.m. at the midnight. She had insomnia and the after pressure of saying her answer to the marriage proposal only meant that there was no sleep tonight. But why was he awake though? Her cheeks turned into the darkest shade of pink as she held her phone in one hand, the other hand clutched the curtains tightly. After a lot of hesitation, she finally opened it and her breath hitched as expected.

He was staring right into her bedroom's direction. There was not much gap between both the houses. And she could clearly see his face from here, blame the LED lights which he has hung up on his balcony. Thankfully (read, unfortunately) he was not shirtless. She held her phone even more tightly, feeling bashful.

Did he actually want to follow her on social media? Her heart couldn't take this. It felt like some cute high school Netflix drama. A wide grin appeared on her face as she turned around and rested her head on the grills of her window before she shakily accepted his request and held her phone close to her chest.

Her breathing became uneven now. She didn't have many followers, hardly a thirty totally. They were all from her family and extended families. And some really close friends. Adding him into her followers' list felt very intimate for some weird reason.

It was intimate because she's a crazy social media addict and had uploaded lots of pictures in there. Right from her childhood to adulthood. 1679 pictures and videos to precise. And giving him access to see all that was very much an intimate moment for her.

It's not every day that your crush sends you follow request on social media. And it's not every day that the said crush also happens to be your fiance.

Yes. Finacé.

The sparkling diamond ring on her finger spoke for itself. It still felt like some dream. Right after she told her response, Hania Saeed visited them personally and gifted her this beautiful ring and they all had a long chat about the nikkah date, which was happening in less than a month.

But the ring was so freaking pretty.

She couldn't stop gushing over it ever since his mother gave it to her.

Murat and she were engaged to be married within a month. She couldn't believe it herself indeed.

But it was happening.

Her marriage with Murat Saeed, her crush.

It was still un-freaking-believable.

She was getting married to the same Murat Saeed, who at their first meeting has slammed his door on her face. He was so rude to her at first, but for some weird reason, she still liked him. Liked him enough to say yes to the wedding proposal. Liked him enough to sign up her whole life with him.

She was getting married to her freaking crush. Who could have expected that? Crushes happen all the time. But how lucky she was to be getting married to the same person. Gosh!

Mashal wanted to jump up and down in excitement. It was surreal. And she was so happy with how things are turning out.

Although, it wasn't a stupid and spontaneous decision. Even if she did have this massive crush on him, she took her own time in saying yes. She was this close to even saying no to this whole thing. Her mind was very confused and sceptical at first and she needed someone to help her decide properly. It was a matter of life after all. Marriage was not a joke. For all she knew, her crush on him can be a mere infatuation. He didn't give her any other reason to like him, other than being handsome.

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