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The time seemed to pause as Mashal processed what was happening. She couldn't believe the sight in front of her. But she wanted to. The familiar tall and delicious looking muscular figure of her husband seemed too good to be true. But those muscles look very much real. It couldn't just be imagination.

Imagination can't look this real, can it?

She held her breath while he walked towards her. With every step he took forward, she took two steps back. She couldn't take the disappointment of realising him being unreal. She didn't want to.

But he seemed true. She could feel his scent. That familiar intoxicating smell. She'd know it anywhere that it's him. Her eyes teared up feeling overwhelmed. His deep black eyes gazed her at with longing and her breath hitched as she hits a wall. She can't move any further now. But he keeps walking towards her.

And now there was no gap between them. Mashal lifted her head to gaze at his face. She was in shock. He was real. She could see it, his breathing, his achingly handsome face. Everything was so real. But she couldn't get herself to believe any of this was actually happening. The incidents in the office have shaken her mentally and she was too overwhelmed.

Without another word, Murat pulled her into his arms, engulfing her in a bone-crushing hug. He was very much real. Unshed tears welled up in her eyes. She gazed at him in disbelief while her hands goes to touch his face. He has a beard now. She was so eager to touch them as he showed it on one of their video calls and now that she could finally touch them, her heart exploded with so many emotions.

It was relief. Happiness. Excitement. Emotional. Overwhelming. All at once.

Mashal was so relieved that her husband was here at this moment even though he is supposed to be back after ten days. She felt his absence badly today as she drove back home. As if listening to her prayers God has sent him to her. She wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him back just as tightly.

"Murat. You're back." Her voice cracked at the end, she was still in shock. He just hugged her tighter in response, "yes, I am." He replied.

"Murat." She called his name again. Her voice was muffled due to tears. Mashal cupped his face and looked into his eyes, which gazed back at her with longing and one emotion that she couldn't read. It made her insides churn. He leaned down, placing his forehead against hers, their noses almost touching. Their heartbeats rose frantically.

"I am not able to believe you're here even after all this. It feels like I'm dreaming." She laughed in between her tears, his hands goes to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him. His eyes gazed down at her with adoration whilst wiping off all her tears.

"Still dreaming?"

Before she could respond, his lips were slammed against hers, taking her for an intense kiss. She ran her hands through his hair, pulling him more into the kiss. And he was only happy to oblige.

This kiss was nothing like the ones they've shared before.

It was full of need, passion, lust and everything undefined. They poured all their emotions and feelings into this, telling how much they've missed each other during the past twenty-five days. They couldn't get enough of it.

"Still a dream?" He asked in between, she shivered at the proximity whilst kissing him more wildly. They had to break apart due to lack of oxygen, his desire filled eyes meet her overwhelming ones. Both were filled with fire and need.

Mashal panted softly, her gaze never left his. She felt this uncontrollable urge to just keep kissing him and did just that. Her hands go to wrap around his neck, as she tiptoes and takes him for another earth-shattering kiss. She felt him lifting her waist and her legs dangled in the air. She broke apart before kissing him again and again and again.

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