Chapter 4: Embrace for Impact

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( a warning for gore/death mention and reader trauma backstory.)

The morning after is usually titled, 'The Walk of Shame.' This was a little different though, instead of meeting some cute person at a club and going home tipsy in a cab, you had been stalked, chased, and traumatized. So, if you couldn't tell, the week was not going as planned.

You took some old clothes from Riley that morning, not feeling comfortable enough to go back to your own damn apartment to grab your own. So you worked with what you had, and what you had was a black turtleneck with an oversized sweater and loose-fitting mom jeans tightened with a chunky belt.

There wasn't much talking as you got ready for work, tying your shoelaces and slipping on your coat and shoving your things into the pockets yet again.

Bailey was the only one awake, which you were slightly grateful for since you weren't quite sure what to make of Riley yet. That being said, Bailey stumbled out of the room in a different shirt and a missing left sock. You decided not to pester her about it so early.

She set out two bowls of cereal and the two of you ate in silence, besides the low grumble from the blue-haired woman at the lack of oat milk.

You couldn't force yourself to eat the whole thing so you set the leftovers in the kitchen sink.

On your way out the door, Bailey stopped you with a quiet shout.

" careful out there today, ok?" She seemed hesitant, and you knew why.

With just a curt nod you agreed the best you could before double-checking for your phone and gloves and heading out.

The cold winter breeze made your nose and cheeks fluster, a soft flurry already falling to the ground, it let your mind wander to simple pleasures. Christmas, ice-skating, warm hot cocoa, and maybe some carols that came to your door and-

"Excuse me, miss?"

The gentle drawl of a sweet southern twang made you turn on your heel.

There he was, the man of, quite literally, your dreams.

He was still tall as ever, this time sporting a grey turtleneck under a thick yellow jacket, jeans slightly falling over his black snow boots. The lower half of his face was partially hidden by the scarf he had pulled over his mouth. But it did nothing to hide his absolutely gorgeous... Well, everything.

"Oh! Uhm.. yes?" You stumbled a bit over your words, his heavy stare and red cheeks making your head cloud up.

He chuckled, warm puffs of air spreading into the frigid atmosphere. He tugged down the scarf and let it settle on his shoulders. A rosy smile displayed his tooth gap and dimples, making your face feel warmer than usual.

"You're the same pretty lady who tripped, am I right?" His eyebrow was quirked, casually waving a gloved hand as he spoke.

Butterflies that fluttered in your stomach made you want to vomit, in a very positive way.

"Ahaha... yup! That was me, so sorry about that, by the way.." Your nervous laughter accompanied by your shifting eyes made him chase your eye contact, leaning forward a bit to smile cheekily at you.

"That's alright, at least you didn't bust your pretty face, I'm lucky I caught ya." He winked as he said that, laughing at your apparent loss for words.

Your mouth gaped like a fish as you tried to gather your thoughts, maybe try to be witty and make a comeback. But all you could do was watch as one of his large hands swept through his already slightly messy hair, ruffling it with a grin.

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