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She knew she was cold, she knew the snow seeped down her scalp. It burned, it ached, it just simply hurt.

She was trapped in the darkness, alone and afraid. Her tattered olive-green jacket clung to her sweat soaked skin, despite the nipping chill coming through the cracks of her enclosure.

Her teeth tore into the inside of her cheeks, ripping and chewing to aid the constant pain of being conscious.

She missed...who did she miss? She missed Riley. Sweet, beautiful, wonderful Riley. Shutting her tired eyes she could almost smell her peachy vanilla perfume, see her blushed pale skin, hear her bubbling laugh, and feel the way her fingers traced feather light down her cheek. Tears slipped out of her shut eyes and her vocal cords strained to release a small sob.

The night (Y/N) came over, the night Riley explained everything..it was almost right.

Riley, sitting with her back against the white wall, shivering slightly in a lacy pink bra and bare thighs. Her eyelashes fluttered back as she hummed with restrained pleasure, soft lips kissing even softer trails into Bailey's feverish flesh.

They held each other tightly, too tightly that night. Legs and arms tangled together so closely they might have been just one person. She desperately wanted to be one person.

Take away her worries, be strong for them both. She was capable, she was more than ready.

Her own fingers pinch at her skin now, her nails leaving behind crescent shapes in the thin flesh on her ankles.

The wind was outside, rattling the metal door and howling desperately. Bailey might have joined in if it wasn't for the raspy twinge in the back of her throat.

It was useless, she was useless now. Couldn't save her girlfriend, watched her best friend being kidnapped, knowing she never got the chance to say goodbye. What she wouldn't do to have to put up with another essay or lecture, just one hint of normalcy would be like coming up for air.

She chokes on her tears, head leaning back onto the cold metal behind her. She wasn't quite sure where they had put her. Fuzzy memories of slamming doors and rough hands, someone giggling and poking her non-stop. Until it all ended, a key clicking a lock into place and being left alone.

Were they going to come back for her? Or were these her last moments, knees curled into her chest and vision bleary with hot tears.

Bailey found herself not really caring, she just wanted it to end. Pain was like tiny needles in her skull and body, something was definitely broken or fractured from the way her chest pinched when she breathed a little too deeply.

She wondered idly where (Y/N) had gotten to. If she was stored in the place beside her, unconscious and missing her too.

Somewhere deep down, she knew that wasn't the reality of the situation. Her brief moments of silent consciousness she had heard the way their voices changed. Cold and robotic around her, human and interested while holding (Y/N) in their arms.

Bailey was dragged through dirt stained snow, ice scraping on her face and knees. (Y/N) was carried, sure she was shoved and stomped on...but she was not in the same situation.

Mistrust bloomed in her chest, something wasn't fair.

Her roommate...her best friend...was most certainly different.


Is this what those freaks wanted? To split them up, to torment one at a time so they mistrusted and hated each other?

No, no Bailey wouldn't let that work.

(Y/N) would escape...come back for her.


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