Chaper 2 ||friendly encounter

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He used old, collapsed pieces of wood from the building to help him stand- it was clear that he was losing blood, and fast. He had to leave and patch himself up before he bled to death, so without another thought, Tommy went out the way he entered and walked towards the village, despite the pouring rain.
TW- talk of panic attack , violence
Pov [Tommy]

Sunlight dripped through the curtains which hung along Tommy's bedroom window, piercing through them until the light shone against his face, causing him to wake up from his restless slumber.

He sat up in his uncomfortable bed, contemplating what had happened last night, not remembering too much of it- as soon as he got home he made sure to patch his wounds up and blacked out from there on. He grazed his hand along the bite wound, feeling a striking pain.
"AH fuck, that's gonna leave a scar" he croaked out, pulling himself out of the warm haven of his bed covers, and walked himself to the mirror.

Bruises and small cuts littered his skin, not paying much attention to them as they would soon be fully healed and forgotten- soon replaced with new wounds, from new fights. However what Tommy did notice was his skin was noticeably paler than the previous day.
"Ah, shit, the rain yesterday probably gave me a cold, man, fuck the weather," he said as he reluctantly pulling on his uniform and heading to class.

In class
Barely staying awake, Tommy wasn't listening to whatever the professor was going on about, as all his attention was focused on fidgeting with his pencil.

"THOMAS!" the professor screamed, slamming his hand on Tommy's desk to grab his attention, irritated that he had had to call for the boy's attention multiple times before. This sudden outburst made Tommy quickly look up.
"If you're not going to pay attention in my class, I won't pass you. So you can say goodbye to graduating this year," the professor said, not waiting for a reply as he walked back to his desk, a now-listening Tommy focusing in on what the man was saying. He was not taking his threat lightly knowing the teachers track record.

"Okay, class, so now I'm going to go back onto our topic, before our interruption" the man said drifting a disapproving glance over towards Tommy. "Although there are vampires that we commonly see on the nightly patrols, there are some that hide well from the order's eyes, some more powerful, dangerous vampires, which means they must be defeated, and defeated fast. There is a family of these vampires whom are infamous for their powers of destruction. The order so far has recorded 3 vampires in this alliance and although they are smaller than most alliances that these blood suckers form, they mustn't be overlooked as they are the most powerful we, the order, have seen. Ever."
The professor paused.

"The first one we shall speak about is the vampire that goes by the name 'Wilbur', however the order calls him by the name 'Musician' as he likes to lure his victims in with the sweet sound of his music. He's the weakest head-on fighter out of the 3- however, his sheer wits make up for it."

"The next goes by 'Technoblade', the order calling him 'blood god'. The vampire is very violent and attacks head-on, and, from what we have recorded, he's a master of all weapons and can crush a human's skull with nothing but his bare hands," the professor continued.

"And lastly we have the head of the family, Philza, his order name being 'Stymphalian'. He's different from any vampire we've seen before. He has distinct raven-black wings- however, they are covered with metal, making them deadly if one gets too close. He's smart and is a great fighter. And, all together, they make up the SBI family."

As his teacher carried on with whatever he was rambling on about, Tommy felt strong pains slicing through his body in all directions. He collected the things on his desk and clumsily ran out of the classroom, knowing his teacher would have been too much of a tight ass to let him be excused- ignoring the constant shouts of his name echoing throughout the very hallway he was limping through, his vision was fading, yet not completely. Only till it was impossible to see with the white blur that glazed over his eyes.

"Tomm-" he heard a figure say in the distance.
"Ranboo, quick come!"

He felt warm arms wrap his shoulder, reminding of where he was grabbed the previous night- worry washed over him, pulling away from the touch.

"Tommy, man, you alright?"

"Here, look at me, Toms."

Reluctantly, Tommy opened up his eyes, expecting to see the vampires, even though one still lay dead in that building. Instead he saw some of his best friends- Tubbo and Ranboo. All three met when they were around 6 or so and ever since then they had been inseparable. And boy, was he glad to see them right now
"Tommy, can you hear us?" Tubbo said, trying to sound sure of himself but really, deep down, Tommy knew he was scared. I mean, who wouldn't be, seeing your best friend like this?
He gave a small nod, though it was difficult with his irregular breathing.
Ranboo took over- he was always so good at staying calm in difficult situations.

"Focus on my breathing, Toms, take long breaths."
Tommy hurriedly followed this advice.
"You alright with me touching your hands, Toms?"
The blonde gave a slight nod and felt the slow grasp of his friend's hands. He felt his hands being put on Ranboo's chest.
"You can feel my heart beat right?"
"Yeah," the smaller of the two croaked out, in a voice much too quiet than his usual voice.
After a couple of minutes, his breathing became steady again, calming down with the help of his friends.

"Thanks for helping me guys," Tommy said, a slight smile creeping up his face.
"It's no problem, big man, also, are you okay dude? You look really pale," Tubbo said, flashing him a reassuring look.

"Yeah, just a cold, nothin' a big man like me can't handle," he said, letting out a small chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah, right. Pft," Ranboo said, reaching his hand out. In return, Tommy grabbed it, pulling himself up.

"Oh shit, Ranboo, we gotta get to our lecture, you gonna be alright by yourself, Tommy?"
"Yeah yeah, I'll be fine, I was just heading home now. Now get to class before your teacher starts bitching at you guys again."
Satisfied that Tommy looked okay, the two walked off to class, waving goodbye to him.

After getting back home, the pains from before started back up again- luckily not that bad.
'This is some weird fucking cold,' Tommy thought to himself, before feeling the sunlight that shone through his windows irritate his skin, causing him to run up to every window in his room and tightly shut the curtains so not even a pinch of sunlight could seep though them.

Practically crawling to his bed, he lay down and felt a wave of relief as the pain of standing had been taken away. He was slowly drifting to sleep, hoping that when he woke up that this strange illness would have bypassed.

Word count- 1130
Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys >:]]

I've decided that the upload schedule will be around once a week mostly updating on Thursdays but sometimes if I'm feelin extra creative I might upload multiple times a week.

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