Chapter 24 || GEORGE??

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It upset Dream immensely, his friend, a friend that stuck together through thick and thin; a friend that was always there to make him laugh was dwelled down to such a depressing state.
However, it angered him much more...

Therefore, after much confliction, Dream turned to his friend, "we'll find whoever the fuck did this, I can promise you that" anger for revenge laced within his voice.


"He's not waking up-"

Another voice entered.
"just give it a minute-"

"Hellooo-, Oh! He's waking up!"

Tommy's eyes slowly drifted open, his vision was hazy but he could see two blurry figures before him, presumably both Wilbur and Techno, with his bright pink hair slight giving away the fact.
He sat up in his seat, rubbing his eyes as he did so; causing his sight to sharpen up.

He let out a yawn before focusing on the somewhat concerned face of Wilbur.
"Don't worry, I'm not dead yet" the blonde remarked, causing Techno to slip out a slight chuckle.
Wilbur took this as an opportunity to speak up after the blondes out of the blue comment.
"Probably should get going now, we're already so late it's not even fashionable anymore-" saying the last part in a somewhat jokey tone.

Sleepily Tommy stood up, however, it was to no avail as Wilbur practically dragged him out the carriage. This caused Tommy to smack his head off the top of the doorframe, "OW- YOU BITCH-" he could hear the laugh from the pink behind him.
"Well wouldn't have happened if you hurried up-" Wilbur said, attempting to mask a very obvious laugh; failing miserably.
"I'll break your ribs bitch" Tommy retaliated, causing Wilbur to hold his hands up, whilst he rolled his eyes at the blondes short temper.
"Oh noo, the child's mad at me what ever shall I do-" putting emphasis on the word 'child'.
Enraged, Tommy glared up at the brunettes face and the down to his feet, a smile appeared on the blondes face as his head lit up with an idea.
He brought his own foot up and launched it back towards the floor, except the floor in this case was in-fact Wilbur's foot.
"OWCH- MY FOOT-" the brunette stepped back, foot in hand cradling it.

Tommy looked at the sight before him, a mischievous smile bared across his face; clearly proud of his work.
Techno could be heard jumping out of the carriage behind them, Wilbur turned to him,
"Aren't you going to back me up??" Techno shifted his eyes back and fourth between the two, before a small grin spread across his face, "you kinda walked into that one-" he said before walking off, presumably to go notify Phil that Tommy was awake.
Wilbur scoffed, "betrayed by my own brother" fake tears welled up in his eyes.

"Being melodramatic as always Wilbur?" A particularly familiar voice approached the two from behind; causing them both to jump in surprise.
They both spin their heads around in surprise.
"What..? You two look like you've seen a ghost-" Quackity commented, walking up to the pair.

Wilbur smiled, "Hey Quackity what's up?" He ditched the melodramatic act and quickly replaced it with his normal composure. Well- as normal as Wilbur can be.
Quackity unexpectedly turned around towards Tommy, with a unsure look. "Hey- uh, Tommy. Sorry about the whole thing a couple weeks ago- didn't wanna get off on the wrong foot" he let out a strained laugh; as he took his hand out offering a handshake.
Dubiously Tommy raised his hand and shook the vampires, "'s alright"
An uncomfortable silence formed between the two, thankfully, after what felt like years, Wilbur wrapped his hand around the other vampire and engaged in some random conversation Tommy couldn't be bothered over hearing.

With Tommys focus leaving the two, he decided to focus his attention to wherever this 'council meeting' was.
His eyes widened at the sight, there in front of him was a large, imposing structure; every pillar and chunk of stone was carefully engraved with minuscule patterers. It was a truly magnificent building-
Wow these vampires might be immoral with the whole killing humans thing but they sure do have taste-
Tommy silently joked to himself, as he attempted to eye every detail of the building, wait- is that..?
Oh yeah- that's definitely him.

Was all Tommy thought as he saw Phil rushing out of the very same building.
"Glad you managed to wake up in time mate, thought you never would haha" Phil teased; opening his satchel and looking inside of it.
His eyes lit up "Aha here it is" he took out a pendent; a large jewel placed in the centre of it. He must have had a very obviously confused look on his face as Phil somehow answered the very question Tommy had in his mind.
"It's a pendent to go around your neck tie, basically to show that you're with our coven. Trust me it would be a bad idea for you to wonder around just announcing that you don't have a sire" Tommy just silently nodded.

"Now if I may" Phil said, right before attaching the pendent to the bow wrapped around his neck.
"Now for during this meeting you must stay close to me, full vampires have a heightened sense of smell and will be able to tell you're not part of our coven the moment you leave my side."
Tommy was confused to say the least due to Phils comment. "Doesn't that guy over there " he said vaguely pointing towards Quackity "uhh-  Quackity? already know I'm not part of the- thing..?" Silently cursing at himself for not remembering the 'fancy vampire words' they used.
"You mean coven mate" Phil chuckled before continuing. "But yes he does, but very few vampires know about that, and they can be trusted so no need to worry." Phil gave a sincere smile to Tommy in an attempt to reassure him.
Tommy agreed to his conditions, really not wanting to test to see whether it was true or not.

Deciding it was probably best to enter the meeting, better late then never-
They walked into the decorated halls of the building, Tommy was mesmerised; looking at every piece of carefully crafted decore that littered the walls of them.
Unfortunately that would be his downfall as he bumped into a vampire who in return silently glared at Tommy.
"Sorry-" he meekly said, rushing back to Phils side in an instant.
Tommy could feel the questioning glares of other vampires pierce through his skin, anxiousness in the teen grew as he questioned to himself whether it was a good idea coming.
Phil after seeing this wrapped an arm around Tommy to keep him close, Tommy gave silent thanks to Phil as they carried on down the hall.

After what felt like years of walking through the corridor, they finally entered a dimly lit room; the only lights coming from purple lights blanketing the whole room an a deep shade of purple.
Phil guided him to a small area, with a handful of luxurious sofas, in the centre with a table that had a bowl of uh- refreshments Tommy liked to think of it as.
He sat down right next to Phil, making sure to stay true to his word; with that whole ordeal in the hallway, Tommy definitely did not want to test the waters now.

The quiet chatter of each coven group slowly came to a halt when another vampire entered an elevated section of the room, Tommy just guessed it was a stage.
"He's Eret, one of the head council leaders, they're the one who called this meeting" Phil whispered to Tommy as the vampire dubbed as Eret was about to speak.

"Thank you all for joining me here today, unfortunately I don't come bearing quite so good news... as we all know the sudden rise of hunters have become quite the problem for our members however, there is one in particular now that has been proven to be especially troublesome." Eret paused, a sad looked dawned on his face as they remembered previous events. "I recently had the unfortunate opportunity to encounter this hunter very recently, alongside that... he has inflicted great harm on one of my coven members who'll be joining me here" they finished, looking to the side awaiting the person to join.

And when they did- well- it wasn't a pretty sight, and that was wording it lightly.
The figure walked onto the stage with bruises varying in colour, alongside hundreds of cuts littering the skin.
Gauges of flesh ripped out of his skin, skilfully stitched together.
Chatter amongst the room grew loud and Phil muttered.
"Jeez- whoever did that to him sure had a vengeance"

Tommy's mouth opened wide- the figure was-


Word count- 1436
Thank you for reading this chapter! I honestly can't wait to write the next one because writing about all the vampires together is really interesting to me. Anyways that's all!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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