Chapter 3 - Restless

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In Blumund, two men discuss the recent events of the Jura forest, Fuze the Guildmaster and Baron Veryard, debate over the slime that turned the Great Forest of Jura into a nation.

"That slime effectively saved us from the Orc Lord." starts Veryard.

"Do you think we should treat it as a benevolent creature, or as a threat to be eliminated?"

"You say that, but is it really possible to kill it?"

"Shall I be honest?"

"I don't even need to hear it."

"I suppose I'll be on my way. I'll judge this slime with my own two eyes."

Fuze then leaves the office, and gathers three adventurers, named Kaval, Ellen and Gido.

"Alright, we're off to the Forest of Jura. I want to see this slime you met myself."

Technoblade POV

I was unable to sleep that night. Rimuru reminding me of that name I forsake, and Milim... It was clear she had felt that same pain, of failing to save someone, or multiple people, close to you.

I go upstairs to check up on her. Suddenly, I hear a voice inside of me.

'Mate, we all saw you tryhard that guy. You did all you could. Besides, we're all chilling with you, because of you. You saved us.'


'Technoblade,' He never calls me like that. 'this name shit is stupid. We both know that. You just refuse to accept that. Even Quackity has warmed up to you, at least beyond that mutual hatred you shared. And that's all in the past. We both know we can't change it, especially since our world's gone. But we've got another shot. What matters is we make sure that never happens again, and if it does, well, always nice to have new friends around here.'

"And have another world destroyed..."

'Techno, do you really think the world matters that much? Sure, it's a home, but you think the world matters that much to anyone? I'd rather live like this than in a world where everyone was gone. Trust me, my hardcore runs got depressing from the loneliness. Come on, cheer up mate.'

Philza, my best and oldest friend.

He was one of the last people to fall to DreamXD and to be absorbed by me. Back then, I didn't think too much about it, because I couldn't really think.

If it weren't for the Egg being with me, still making rational decisions, I would've died for sure. I was blinded by rage, but after the rampage was over with, I was filled with regret.

I know I couldn't have saved him back then, but it still deeply hurt me. He really knew how to console someone.

'Phil is right, you know.'

I hear Dream walk up to us.

Obviously this is going inside my mind, but I had a presence there as if it was another world. It was a way to separate the voices so I didn't have to hear the shouts 24/7.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping with the rest?"

'Don't you remember what I told you when you first bullied me about not having a house?'

"Oh, yeah. You don't sleep."

'In all seriousness, there's only one person who hasn't forgiven you for what happened. Well, aside from that freak.'

"Hm? Who's not forg-"

'It's you.'

A deafening silence follows.

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