5 - I miss you, don't call me.

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"I miss you, don't call me. call me, don't call me. Don't call me, please call me." -I miss you, don't call me by Alessia Cara.

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

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Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

7:30 PM

"You have reached the voice mailbox of... Noah. Please, leave your message at the tone."

"Hey, you! Uh, I kinda-sorta miss you. We haven't talked in like... ages. Well, technically, it hasn't even been two days, but that's like forever in our world, isn't it? Ha-ha, anyway, call me when you get this. Bye."

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

9:12 AM

"You have reached the voice mailbox of... Noah. Please, leave your message at the tone."

"Noah, is everything okay? I'm worried. Call me when you get a chance."

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

10:10 PM

"You have reached the voice mailbox of... Noah. Please, leave your message at the tone."

"I don't know what's going on with you and, frankly, I don't care anymore. But if this is your way of ending things, I'm disappointed in you."

"Still no answer?" Rosie asked, leaning on the doorframe with a sympathetic look on her face.

I simply shook my head from where I sat on my bed, not trusting myself enough to speak without letting my tears spill.

The feeling of dread engulfed me like a skin-tight blanket. Something was up with Noah. I had texted him countless times. I had called and called until my pride got the best of me, all to no avail.

Where the hell was Noah, and why wasn't he picking up my calls?

I ruminated on the last time I had talked to him- the day he told me he loved me. I broke down our entire conversation and mulled over everything that had happened that morning. Starting from his hesitant smile to the words we had exchanged. Well, he was the one doing most of the talking. I just sat there, glitching like a malfunctioning robot. I hadn't handled it well. Had I?

I was so stupid. I should've told Noah I loved him, too. Why didn't I tell him I loved him? Who in the world said thank you when a person professed their love to them? A degenerate, that's who. And that's exactly what I was. A stupid, self-sabotaging degenerate. What was wrong with me? Why was I so incapable of sustaining relationships? Why did I ruin everything I touched?

Noah had told me to take my time, though. Didn't he? He said it wouldn't change a thing if I didn't say it back. He did. I remembered it vividly. Surely, he would understand me. He knew me and loved me. He wouldn't give up on me that easily, would he? No, he wouldn't just disappear like that; he wouldn't do that to me.

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