Chapter 9

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"The Beta ceremony is a formal event," Killian said at dinner one evening. "You'll need something fancy."

Naomi racked her head. She didn't really have anything.

"Let's go into town and pick out a few things. Not even for the ceremony, just in general. I'm sure it's been awhile since you've gotten clothes?" His question was gentle, not accusing.

She glanced down at her worn jeans that were someone else's hand-me-downs. She wasn't opposed to going shopping, she just wouldn't have any idea where to start and she worried it would be awkward with Killian.

But he was so sincere. He would take care of her.

"Okay," she agreed.


Killian and Naomi entered a formal dress shop. The kind old lady seemed very helpful, but she was wary and stuck close to her mate.

"I can't be the only one looking. I'm not sure exactly what you like," Killian said as he flipped through a rack. He motioned for her to start on the opposing end.

It was kind of fun. She liked picturing herself going to different events in the different gowns. Nothing was quite right though. They were all glitzy and low-cut. She needed something modest.

She pulled a few to try and turned to Killian who had also chosen a few.

He took a seat in a chair as she went to the dressing room.

"Do you want to see them?" she wondered out loud.

"Only if you want to show me."

She nodded, wishing she had another set of hands to help her into the dresses. The process was going to take forever.

Everything fit too loosely on her torso. They're wasn't any place to tighten the fabric with a zipper. They were also too long on her short body.

She frowned, exiting the dressing room, dragging the long, baggy dress out.

"It isn't working."

Killian stood. "Don't get frustrated," he said softly. "It's okay. We'll figure one out. We can get the length tailored if you find one that fits on top."

She turned to face the floor length mirror, feeling her whole body tense with the self loathing that was pushing forward.

"This one isn't even zipped all the way, love," he said, stepping behind her. He reached, but hesitated. "Can I get it?"

She felt her skin darken at his gentle kindness, and she nodded, feeling the heat of his hands on her back.

"It also has a button here," he muttered, pulling the fabric gently, mindful of her hair. "There."

Neither one of them were expecting it to look the way it did when it fit.

The deep green fabric had long chiffon bubble sleeves, and the length was supposed to be midi, but was quite long on her. The neck was up a bit higher which she appreciated. She felt like a princess.

"You look stunning," Killian told her sincerely.

"I like this one," she said, turning to face him. She watched his eyes move the length of her body.

"I think it's an excellent choice. I actually have something green to match you."

She smiled, feeling giddy and beautiful.


"Thanks for taking me out today," Naomi told Killian on the way home.

He smiled, holding out his hand. She placed hers on top, gripping his fingers.

"I'm here to take care of you. Whatever you need," he said so sincerely that her heart clenched. No one has ever cared like he has, never given her the doting attention he does so effortlessly. She had a terrifying realization that she was falling in love with him.

He saved her, wrapped her up in his protective arms to shield her from her past and her fears. He was so good to her. She didn't know how she got so lucky.

"You okay?" Killian asked, bringing their hands to his mouth. His pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

She stared out the window. Her life would have been headed an entirely different direction if he hadn't decided to go to that group home, or if she ultimately decided to leave when she turned 18.

"I'm just really lucky," she whispered. "to have you. I appreciate everything you do for me, for being so patient. I'm sure I am not what you had in mind as a mate."

The car pulled in front of their house. Killian turned to face her.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Naomi," he murmured, cupping her cheek. "I've had a really rough time, dealing with the loss of my parents, but also navigating being Alpha. It's a lot. I don't think you realize how much I need you. You keep me grounded." His deep eyes bored into hers. "I think I'm the lucky one." He gave her a sweet smile.

Naomi felt a cloud of emotions rain over her. He was so incredibly sweet.

He brushed away a fallen tear. He was so close, his warm touch comforting.

She wanted him to kiss her, but she knew he was doing his best to go slow, for her sake. And she appreciated that, but she didn't know how to tell him that she wanted a kiss.

He exited the car, rounding the front to her door.

She took a deep breath, gathering her confidence.

He helped her out of the car, and she gripped the front of his shirt, stopping him from moving.

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

He was too tall and she faltered. Even on the tips of her toes she couldn't reach.

"Come down here," she said meekly, a pout forming.

He chuckled, bending his frame so they were eye level.

She cupped his cheeks, loving the feeling of his scruff, before hesitantly pecking his lips.

She pulled away before he could react.

Killian was a bit stunned, not expecting her to make the first move. He smiled.

"You're so adorable."

"I'm sorry I-" they both said at the same time.

He reached for her, pulling her to his chest.

"Nothing to be sorry about. If you wanted a kiss, you just had to ask," his tone was teasing as he chuckled again, feeling beyond happy.

She looked up at him, and he down at her. Her cheeks were rosy, but she still gave him a sweet, shy smile.

He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, like he had been wanting to do ever since he met her and dipped his head.

He had never felt anything like he did when their lips met. She was so warm as her fists clenched his t-shirt. His hand move to the back of her head, the other around her back.

She made a cute noise when he pulled away, and his smile was immediate, uncontrollable. He was blissed out.

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