Chapter 14

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Killian dropped a stack of cash on the table Naomi was resting on. She startled, looking up from her book.

"Two thousand, five hundred dollars," he said.

"Are you serious?" she asked, glancing at the money skeptically.

"I am. I'm going to put some back into the pack for what we spent, but I will give the rest to McAllister."

"Wow," she said, standing up and walking into Killian's arms. He rubbed her back

"I've taken the day, so let's do something," he said.

" Like what?" she placed her head on his chest. He moved his hand to her hair, playing with the long strands.

"I've got an appointment at the tattoo parlor in town. It won't take long, and after maybe lunch?"

"Can we go to that bookstore, too?" she asked.

"Absolutely," he said, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"Do you think they could get me in for an appointment?"

He glanced down at her, his blue eyes shining. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you were super serious about getting one. You can have my appointment."

She smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek. "You're sweet, Kill. I'm not taking yours. I can at least make one for myself when I go."

He leaned down, kissing her fiercely, stunning her that she stumbled back. She might have fallen if he didn't have a grip on her.

Killian thought she was so beautiful when she smiled.

She pushed back into the kiss, doing her best to convey all of the love she felt for her man.


Naomi got a small rose on her hip. The lady was very kind and patient. Killian was in the seat over getting something on his chest. He wouldn't tell her what.

She was trying not to stare, but she had never seen him without a shirt. He was so hot which was a new word in her vocabulary.

On the car ride in, the pair decided to get matching tattoos. It was a spur of the moment.

Hers said you see all my light on her upper thigh, high enough to be easily covered, but not too high. Killian was getting one in the same spot but his said and you love all my dark.

"Why can't I know what you got?" she asked Killian as they left the shop. She tugged on his fingers and he chuckled.

"Well, now it's got a bandage on it so you'll have to wait."

"Did you like my flower?"

"I saw it when you picked it out, but I haven't seen it yet." He said, glancing down at her.

She hummed, and there was something mischievous about her body language. She was too adorable. He loved how much she had opened up to him. 

"Guess I will show it to you when you show me yours."

He grinned, bringing their clasped hands to his mouth. 

She slid into a booth and he slid next to her. He could feel she was nervous to eat in a restaurant, and he moved his hand to her back comfortingly.

"What are you going to get, baby?" he asked gently.

"I think I want to try chicken and waffles. I didn't know those two things could go together."

"That's a good pick. That's what I was thinking, too."

"Will you order for me, Kill, please?" She peeked up at him, and he gave her a reassuring smile, catching her lips with his own.

"Of course I will."

She enjoyed their day together. She enjoyed Killian period. She got really lucky to have such a handsome, brave, sweet man by her side.

"I think this is my new favorite food. We'll have to make it at home," she said.

He paused, his fork lowering back to his plate. He felt a rise of emotions. She had never used that word before. "Home?"

Naomi blushed, finally murmuring, "you are my home."

"And you are mine." His brown eyes met hers, shining so lovely in the sun. She was his everything. For the first time since his parents were killed, he didn't feel the gaping hole in his chest. He felt complete. He felt loved.


"Wow," Naomi breathed, watching Killian's majestic wolf stare at her. He had never shifted in front of her before, so when she asked, he seemed excited.

She moved closer, holding out her hand so the tips of her fingers ran through his silky brown fur.

"Like a puppy," she giggled. He was way bigger than her, but so soft and fluffy. The wolf gave an annoyed snort.

She continued to pet him until he laid down, resting his head on his paws.

Wolves were such majestic creatures she realized. She sat down, resting against his bulky frame, feeling content and warm.

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