Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

I'm still sick as fuck. I hate being sick. It's so annoying when you're nose is clogged and you think about the times you should've done when your nose's not clogged. It's like you regret not using your nose properly, ever get that feeling? Yea.

Ring, Ring, Ring. My annoying phone rang. I picked it up from my nightstand and answer it.

"WHAT!?" I sneezed after shouting.

"Woah, sweetcheeks. It's Tyler. You wanna come to my house today?" He asked.

I could feel him smirking. He's probably imagining something cruel to do to me. I narrowed my eyes.

"Fine, what time?" I agreed.

"In another 2 minutes, I'm driving to your place already." And with that, he hang up the phone.

Are you serious? I can't take 2 minutes to get ready. Actually I can, I can just pick a random top and bottom. I got out from my bed while groaning, I have to leave this house, whoope-de-doo. I open my closet lazily and took out a cream-coloured sweater, the one I wore when I first met Kyle, and a random jeans. I wore them with a pair of black converse. Just in time, there was a honk outside my house. I took my phone from my dressing table and exit my room.

No one was at home, my parents are at work, my sister's out with god knows who so, I'm all alone. Forever alone. I lock the door and turn around, facing Tyler, who had a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walk towards him. 

"What're you smirking at?" I narrowed my eyes.

"We're going out today." He said like a 14 year old girl.

I groaned and lean my head back, looking at the bright, sea-reflected sky. Science. After groaning for a few seconds, I lean my head forward, looking a Tyler's face.

"WHERE?!" I shouted.

Tyler jumped in shock and look at me with a weird expression across his face. I can't describe the face but it was weird. 

"Geez, woman. You're suppose to be happy that we're going to eat." He said.

"Okay, whatever has 'eat' or 'food' in it, I'm happy, let's go." I smiled and walk towards the car.

"Bipolar." I heard Tyler muttered from behind.

I chuckle a little and enter the car through the passenger seat. Food, food, food. That's the only word in my mind right now. I just love food, don't you? Of course! Everyone loves food. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. If you don't love food, then you're an idiot. A small, thin idiot. The car door open and in came Tyler.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He asked as he start the car.

"Why're you always treating me?" I turn my head to Tyler.

"C-Cause, you're sick and I need to take care of you." He stuttered.

Wait, he stuttered. Woah, woah, woah. Tyler never stutters.

"Why're you stutterin'? I asked the blushing boy next to me.

"Everyone stutters!" He exclaimed.

"Yea, not Tyler." I scoffed.

"Whatever. Anyways, who was the guy you were talking to that day?" He changed the subject.

"You mean the guy with tattoos? William. He's William." I told Tyler.

He look down and nodded. He shifted his gear and drove out of my driveway. Why was Tyler acting so fucking weird?

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