the grotesque feminine, (grotesquely divine)

393 38 13

i want someone to tear my heart from my chest. rip open my sternum and claw my heart out, bleeding and bleeding and i want them to swallow it, swallow it whole, so my heart settles in their chest right next to their own.

when will i deserve that? when will i be deserving of someone craving me so intensely that they bleed red right into my righteous mouth, all of their passions and hurt and demons and devils and sins and blessings and miracles dripping into my body and seeping into my soul?

devouring their flesh, her flesh, his flesh- my most precious most guilty pleasure. find me in the glistening dilapidated corner gnawing on pulsing muscle, hair cascading into pooling blood, delicate smile on my stained face.

i wanna hold someone's heart in my hands, or in my own chest.

i can be tender, i can be callous, and i will ravish.

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