boys are so pretty when they cry II

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i didn't know what was louder, the crashing waves or his moans. his eyes were rimmed the color of the burning sun peering into our window, trying to get a front-row seat to the debauched scene playing out right under my fingertips. as our hips collide like a cataclysm of galaxies, he whimpers, you don't know how much i've needed this. and like that, the dam breaks. i don't know why seeing him so vulnerable makes my heart pound and my thighs shake between his. tears are streaking down his pretty flushed cheeks and freckles threatening to wash off under the saltwater. my pulse is singing under my skin, his fingertips bruise my cheekbones as he tries to hold onto every last bit of himself he sees in my eyes. please, he whispers, his eyes smiling at me, and i hope he knows that i can read him like his favorite song. my fingers grasp, my nails anchoring into his skin and his keens flowing through my head like a jukebox stuck on one infectious tune. his thighs tighten around my waist with the intensity of the rapidly fading sun outside the window as i fluidly crash harder against his sandy shore. the tide is coming in now, rising and rising and rising, the seashells' songs louder and more sonorous. his tears flow for years, so many cycles of the moon making him sing in sync with the palm trees. and finally, it all comes to a culmination, and time stops. his jaw drops, thighs stiffening, me stilling. all the world's voices stop, crickets stop chirping and birds stop singing to make room for his cries. foam splashes onto his lips, his eyelashes clumping together with my tears. i'm crying, now. he's allowed me to see him in ways that he would never even dare let anyone think about. he's allowed me to see the way sun kisses his most private skin, how beautifully his voice can crescendo, how wet he can make everything. i'll remember him forever for that.

// to everyone: remember,
vulnerability is sexy ^_^

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