Day 3

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After at least an hour of begging Damian had finally given into Marinette's pleas and agreed to make cupcakes with her. He had tried many times saying he couldn't cook or that he would make a mess or do something wrong, but everytime she would say that she would teach him. Damian had no idea how he got such an angel as a girlfriend.

The two were in the kitchen and Damian was grabbing everything Marinette told him to get "all we need now is the flour, I'll go get" Marinette said walking to the party

As Marinette walked back with the bag of flour she managed to trip on her own two feet, as she waited to hit the ground she felt two strong arms catch her Marinette opened her eyes and looked up to see Damian, "I don't understand how graceful you are as Ladybird but so clumsy as Angel" Damian said.

Marinette placed the bag of flour on the bench and went towards the sink to watch her hands, "the only time I'm graceful as Ladybird is when I'm in the air now can you put crack the eggs into that bowl. While I take care of the dry ingredients." she said.

Take the flour and measuring it into a cup. While Damian on the other hand had no idea what to do so he did as she said and cracked the eggs placing them into the bowl shell and all.

"Angel what do I do now?" Damian said, turning to his girlfriend. Marinette looked towards Damian and was about to tell him what to do next but stopped once she saw the bowl with what had the eggs in it.

"Dami you do know how to crack an egg right?" she asked, grabbing a new bowl and reaching for some eggs, "yes why?" he questioned her. "Well you crack an egg on its side then pull the shell apart and make sure not to drop any shell in" she showed him.

She passed him an egg and said "now you try" Damian followed her steps and got it right and did it with the final egg and looked up at her with a small smile. "What now?" he asked her as she grabbed the carton of milk.

"Measure this and put it in with the eggs" Dmaina took the measuring cup and got the exact amount and placed it in after a lot of steps the two were pouring out the batter into the cupcake pans. (anyone know what they're called i think there patty pans but I'm not sure)

The two cleaned up the kitchen, Damian went to check the timer to see they still had a fair bit of time left till the cupcakes, he returned to see his girlfriend grabbing the dried bowls and measuring more flour. "Angel, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Making some icing but I wanted to use fondant on most of them. It'll be easier anyway," she said, grabbing out something that looked like a bowl of dough. Taking off the plastic wrap she sprinkled some flour then placed the dough on it and rolled it out using the rolling pin.

Damian watched as she rolled it out then put it back into balls but split it so there were multiple of them. Marinette then took out multiple bottles of food colouring and put a couple drops onto the dough and a different colour onto each.

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now