So Technically Any Food

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Chapter forty-seven: "So Technically Any Food"

I gasped "Excuse you all but that habit has died down recently and I've lost weight!" I exclaimed crossing my legs and arms together

"So I was right that you were heavy when I purposely dragged you to the next homeroom back then" Cloud realized which resulted in him getting a kick at the knee by me

Cloud groaned in pain "What the hell is your feet made of? METAL!?" He asked me loudly as he soothes the pain on his knee that he brought closer to him on the couch

"Hmph, you didn't see me complain that loudly about your jerk ass attitude" I retorted, Mason held his laugh and Oliver covered his face trying to not show his reaction as he leaned at the wall on one arm

Cloud looks offended "There's a difference in attitude and violence Angel" he grabbed candy from the bowl next to him, I took the candy from his hand and ate it in front of him

I chewed it and continued talking "I know but here we are bickering about it"

He gave me the look "That was the last grape flavoured candy!"

Mason took an orange flavoured candy from the bowl and ripped open the wrapper "C'mon Cloud we know that you hate grapes"
Cloud hates grapes?

We heard Cloud's phone ring and he looked at the notification "Pizza's here" he went on the elevator and it might take him a few minutes to get back since he has to meet the delivery guy at the lobby

Oliver changed the late-night show and turned on Netflix "I don't wanna go back home, Dad is there" Mason complained out loud to Oliver and he agreed

"He's like a walking blizzard, makes me wonder how Mom even got to marry him" Oliver ate the tortellini that was in a lunchbox
I think that was leftovers from the visit to the twins' house, better not tell Oliver

I put both of my legs on the armrest and rested my head on a pillow "I thought you ate mac and cheese at home?"

Mason was playing with my hair and braiding it "He loves pasta"

"Just let me be Penelope, I doubt anybody would beat me and my love for pasta" Oliver talked while chewing

When the elevator doors opened wide the scent of heavenly pizza hit my nostrils, Cloud put the pizza box on the island while the twins snagged one piece of pizza for themselves before leaving the penthouse. I took a pizza and a hot sauce packet to pour it all over

"You bathed your pizza in hot sauce" Cloud was speechless at what I did, the pizza slice is now red like blood and the spicy scent can make anyone cry. I ate the pizza happily in front of Cloud who was eating a meat lovers pizza

Cloud shakes his head a bit "How the heck can I forget that spice is your favourite word, you put red hot chilli peppers even in chicken noodle soup"

"Not only chicken noodle soup, but I also add spice to whatever food suites the spiciness of my chilli peppers"

"So technically any food" he ended my sentence and I nodded


I wandered back into the room where the grand piano is located and every time I keep playing the piano my eyes always landed on that Hazel coloured door
What could be inside that room?

I was startled when Cloud's face suddenly come into my view and he was close "You're planning to peek aren't you?" He asked me

"N-no" I answered then cleared my throat

There was a soft sound of rain falling from outside, the droplets were on the window as it slowly slides down to the bottom. My first instinct was to see the news on my phone and it turns out that a strong storm is coming here by Friday

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