Huge Slap

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Chapter one hundred twenty-three: "Huge Slap"

Me, Aiden, and Wyett went to the ice cream shop where Daisy was waiting by the door

"Where were you? You're 5 minutes late!" She turns me around to check if anything happened to me

At the corner of my eye, I saw Wyett was starstruck when he saw Daisy who hasn't noticed yet because she was now scolding me like a mother. Aiden explained the situation to her and she laughed out loud

"I can imagine your face when you run for your life" she grinned up at me while holding her stomach, I rolled my eyes at her and put a hand on my waist "Can't you just pretend that you were worried about me?"

She shakes her head before giving me my apron "More customers are coming in today so we gotta get ready Genius" she teased me before going back into the shop

Aiden and Wyett sat at the corner of the shop watching over me and Daisy while they drank the milkshake that the menu in the shop provides
Isn't Aiden supposed to be in his practice for his concert?

With Aiden in the shop, all of his fans started swarming in trying to take pictures with him or get his autograph. Since a lot of people were in the shop but none of them were buying any ice cream I got a sudden bright idea

I tapped Daisy's shoulder as she watches the fans crowding the shop "How about they buy ice cream and he gives an autograph?"

Her eyes widened in the realization that we could use this opportunity to gain more money
Once an opportunity for arises you must grab it

I ran to my bag and messaged Aiden
Pip: I have a request

Aiden felt his phone buzz so he immediately read my message, he raised his head to look at me through the small gaps the fans are making. One nod was enough to make this plan start in motion

Daisy ran around the counter and started preparing Aiden's seat and I got ready at the cashier, Aiden walked up to me to the counter "So what do I do?"

"You will give an autograph to the fans who buy one of our ice creams"

"And what is my reward for doing it?" He whispers to me and I can see his lips form a smirk

I look at him in the eyes and being the bold one here I say "We'll go on a date for the entire day tomorrow after class, I'll take a leave if this becomes a success"

Aiden was satisfied with my reward for him "Deal, I might want an additional kiss on the cheek for that since my wrist will hurt if I give out autographs"
How cheeky


He grinned at me before turning around to head straight to the chair, Daisy stood up on the chair "Attention, whoever wants Aiden's autograph would have to buy one ice cream first!"

"The more ice cream you buy the more pictures and autographs you can get!" I added

Since all of Aiden's die-hard fans wanted his autograph so bad they started forcing their way to the counter

"Please make a straight line please" I said to all of them and they started following with their excited faces

For the next 6 hours, I was in charge of the cashier while Daisy was running around at the back giving out the ice cream orders. Aiden like the professional he is was not even breaking a sweat

He looks delighted to meet his fans and he even got many gifts that were given to him, it was not long after that Ruth came running in once he heard the news that Aiden was giving pictures and autograph for fans to buy ice cream

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