Chapter 3: A Plentiful Harvest

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By the time that Friday rolled around, you had gotten to meet some of the other people in town. You saw Jas playing in the square one day with a boy about her same age, sporting ginger-colored hair styled into tiny spikes. You waved to her and she called you over, introducing you to her 'very best friend ever,' Vincent. Vincent waved sheepishly at you as Jas chatted away.

"Are you guys out here by yourselves?" You had come to realize that Pelican Town was incredibly safe, but you still worried about the young children playing in the square by themselves.

"No," Jas explained, "we're taking a break from school. Ms. Penny is over there!" She pointed to an incredibly young lady in a green tea skirt, with hair neatly pinned into low buns by her neck. "Ms. Penny!" Jas called her teacher over. You got talking, and shortly after you met Penny a woman with long, light brown hair and a young man with spiky blond hair wandered over from behind the row of houses.

"Hi, Mom! Hi Sam!" Vincent called.

"Hi, Vince." The lady smiled sweetly.

"What's up, little bro?" The guy said, walking over to us.

After chatting with them both, you quickly learned that the man was named Sam, and he was Vincent's older brother. Their mom was named Jodi and she looked quite lively, despite being a mom of two boys. She explained that she needed to get to JojaMart (the local supermarket) before school was over and that Sam needed to get to work. That was when you noticed that he was carrying a Joja jacket and hat in his arms, along with an old MP3 player. Even this peaceful town was corrupted by Joja. It made you sick to think about.

The next day, you wandered down to the beach to check out Willy's Shop and see what he had in store for you. Willy was the local fisherman and fish expert. He had a small shop on some docks where he sold fishing supplies and his catches. He had kindly gifted you a spare fishing rod that he hadn't been using anymore. While leaving the beach, you ran into a regal-looking man with flowing, long ginger hair who introduced himself as Elliott. He explained that he had just moved in a year before to live on the quiet beach and pursue his life dream of becoming a writer.

When Friday rolled around, you woke up and set foot onto your sunny front step to see that your 15 parsnips were ready to be picked! This would be your first time harvesting a crop and you were so excited. Your potatoes weren't quite ready yet, but Pierre had informed you that they take longer to mature but tend to yield multiple potatoes per plant.

You ran back inside to change into your gardening clothes to pick your parsnips and water the potatoes. You took care removing each plant from the ground and made sure to carefully inspect the vegetable before you put it in your basket. You then proceeded to replace the moved dirt into its original spot. After, you carefully watered each of your growing potato plants.

You ran inside and set your parsnips out onto your table. You decided to save one for yourself and sell the rest to help get some more starting out money. You remembered Pierre saying that he would buy any spare produce you had. After you washed your 15 parsnips, you set the one you planned to keep in a small chest you had made the day before. In the chest, you noticed the pile of small seeds you had collected. You had no idea what type of seeds they were, you had just found them scattered on the farm while cleaning out brush and rocks. I bet that Pierre would know what seeds they were. You picked them up and threw them in your pack, along with your other fourteen parsnips.

You spent some time tidying up your house and made some late brunch for yourself. After that, you quickly showered, got dressed, styled your hair, and headed into town. Along the way, you spotted a couple of vegetables sitting on the ground that looked strange to you. You gathered them and put them with the parsnips to see if Pierre knew what they were. By the time you made it to town, it was a little past two in the afternoon. Pierre's was open, and you hurried inside.

"It's Farmer (Y/N)!" Pierre smiled from behind the wood and glass counter. "It's a great day to stop in and shop. What can I help you with?"

"Well," you replied, "I have some extra parsnips from my first harvest this morning. Would you be interested in them?"

"Of course!" He waved you over to the counter. "Let me see how they look." You quickly spread out your crops on the glass surface. "These are some good parsnips." He took each one and carefully examined it. "They're of average quality, from my assessments." He looked at you and smiled. "That's good for your first harvest. You should be proud."

"Thank you." You gleamed. "I was worried about how they would turn out."

"Of course." Pierre took out a notebook and started to write down some notes as he continued to look over the parsnips. "For root vegetables of this quality, I would say about 35 gold per parsnip seems fair."

"Really?" You smiled, not expecting to make that much from your crop.

"Of course, these look good and I'm sure that they will sell well," Pierre responded. "So let's see, 35 apiece for fourteen parsnips brings you to a total of 490 gold. Does that seem fair to you?"

"Yes!" You shouted, incredibly pleased with yourself and your harvest. "Thank you!"

"No problem, is that all?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Well actually," You smiled sheepishly, "I found a couple of strange vegetables on my way here. Do you know what they are?" You pulled out the two plants as Pierre put the parsnips in a sale crate.

"Ah yes, (Y/N). The one on the left is a wild horseradish and the other is a wild leek. They're fantastic vegetables and quite easy to forage for yourself." He picked up the leek. "I will buy them from you if you are interested. Gus is always interested in local produce."

You agreed to sell them to him and you two decided that 600 gold for all the parsnips and the foraged vegetables was fair. He gave you your money and you started to leave when you realized you had forgotten about the strange seeds. "Pierre?" You called, turning back into the shop. "I have another question if that's okay."

"Sure! What is it?" He asked.

"I found these random seeds on my farm yesterday." You pulled them out and set them on the counter. "Do you know what they are?"

"Well, it looks like you found some mixed seeds." He started to separate them into piles. "Let's see, here are some cauliflower seeds, they're quite valuable actually, here's a tulip bulb-" You listened as he described the seeds until he had sorted them all.

"Would you want to buy them?" You asked.

"No, I'm sorry." He smiled apologetically. "If you don't want them, I could take them for free to use in my personal garden, but due to the fact that I don't know precisely where they are from and that they aren't from my specific stock, they don't have much value to me."


"But don't worry, you can grow plenty of great crops with these seeds on your farm! I would highly recommend it, actually." He comforted you.


"Yeah! It's free seeds and you can grow some valuable crops with them! I could buy the crops from you to sell, I just can't sell the seeds because I don't know exactly what they are from. I hope you understand."

"Of course, thank you so much for all the help!" You shoved the seeds back into your pack.

"No problem, thank you for the business!" He waved as you left the shop. You checked your watch. It was a little after four in the afternoon. 

✏️ A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I know this chapter is a little short, but Chapter 4: Saloon Sunsets, will make up for some of it next week. I really hope you enjoyed and thank you again! xoxo Kira

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