Chapter 34: Friday Night Fights

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On Friday nights you often met Shane at the Saloon after he got off work. Tonight you were a little nervous, as it was your second time leaving Pepper home alone (the first being to take Shane to the doctor), so you tried to distract yourself as you walked to the Saloon.

    Shane had gotten much better about his depression and drinking in the last month, to the point that both his therapist in Zuzu City, Dr. Harvey, you, and he all felt comfortable with a weekly visit to the Saloon, especially since you always went with him and Dr. Harvey was normally there on Fridays as well. Additionally, Shane's blood work had come back looking perfect. The doctor said his liver was functioning properly and as long as he avoided turning to alcoholism again, he didn't see there ever being a problem with it. It was genuinely a huge relief for you.

    You were excited for tonight. You didn't realize that Fall would be the busiest season for farming, and you had spent the past week buying all of the seeds you could afford and planting your biggest crop yet. Winter brought thick ice and constant snow to the Valley, so you couldn't farm pretty much at all that season. You planned to ocean fish and mine to help supplement your income, but it was mostly up to the Fall crop to make enough to get you through the rough winter. That being said, your visit to the Saloon tonight was a much-needed reward.

    Shane was already there when you walked in. He was sitting at the bar, beer in one hand and, of all things, a book in the other. You had never seen Shane reading a book before, so your curiosities were peaked. However, as soon as he saw you start to walk over he quickly and hastily stuffed it into his jacket pocket.

"Whatcha reading?" You asked as you sat down on the barstool next to him.

Shane's face turned red. "Oh, uh, nothing." He pulled the small book back out. "Just trying to brush up on some stuff." You read the title, The Basic Rules Of English, as you remembered Shane's attempt to help Jas with her homework. The fact that he was trying to learn was so sweet, but you were worried it was to please you. You didn't want Shane to change for you, you loved him as is. Sure he wasn't the most eloquent, but you didn't mind. Before you could say anything on the subject, Emily appeared in front of you to take orders.

"Want another one?" She gestured to Shane's empty bottle. He nodded as the barmaid turned to you. "What can I get you to drink this evening?"

"Hmm, surprise me." You chuckled. You didn't know the most about the Saloon's selection, as you had only tried the amazing strawberry wine here, so you were interested in seeing what else they had.

"And an order of pepper poppers!" Shane interjected before she could turn around to place the order.

"Got it!" She smiled, returning momentarily with your drinks.

Before you could strike up a conversation with your boyfriend, Gus's booming voice echoed through the Saloon. "I was hoping we would see the birthday boy tonight!" Everyone in the bar turned to look at the door, where Elliott had just stepped in.

"Fuck." Shane whispered under his breath. You were thinking the same thing. You quickly drank the wine Emily had brought over, not even registering its taste.

Elliott was rushed to the other side of the Saloon in a whim of birthday greetings, so the two of you were able to pretend that he wasn't there. Shane had a few more beers, and you could tell he was starting to feel the effects of the drink.

Too soon, Elliott came over to the bar and sat down catty-corner to the two of you. "I see you haven't changed your mind yet," Elliott muttered to you. "And you're voicemail was quite entertaining." He chuckled at Shane.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shane questioned gruffly, taking another swig of his beer.

"Nothing, just a little humor for (Y/N)," Elliott replied, looking up at you and winking. You felt gross. "I had hoped my visit last week would make more of an impact than it seems."

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