"Why are you cosplaying as a burnt nugget?"

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It has been almost a month since the attempted attack at the USJ, you and Shigaraki have been carefully planning your next attack.

But for this, you will need more recruits. But you guys weren't gonna pick up a bunch of snatch thieves for this, you were going to get actual villains for this.

A knock on the door informed the both of you that Giran had arrived with the new recruits, you tilted your head as you looked curiously at the new villains.

There was a tall man covered in scars and a young blond girl whose eyes lit up when she saw you.

"I asked for real villains, not a little girl and a emo man!" Shigaraki said as he slammed his hands on the table.

"Why are you cosplaying as a burnt nugget?" You asked as you poked one of the scars on the man's hands.

"Get your hands off me!" The man said as he slapped your hands aside.

"I will kill you if you continue to disturb us." Shigaraki said as he glared at the man.

"Now Shigaraki, calm down at let's give these two a chance, they could be the new recruits." Kurogiri pointed out.

"I might give that girl a chance but hell no to burnt like a crisp dude over here, I hate him." You said as loud as you can so that the man will hear you.

"You little bitc-" The man was about to say before Giran interrupted him.

"This young girl over here is Himiko Toga, she is currently on the run from people who are investigating her murders." Giran explained.

"Murders? As in plural? I like her already." You said smiling at the girl.

"Your eyes looks so cool!" Toga said smiling as she took a step forward to get a closer look, "Do you think you could change them to red? I love red, it reminds me of blood!" 

"Sure." You said shrugging and changed your eye color to crimson red, holding it for as long as you could.

"Woah!" She said excitedly.

"And why should she join us?" Shigaraki questioned.

"That's because I want to become a hero killer like Mr. Stain!" Toga replied.

Stain, just a week before, Stain attempted to kill three boys from the UA. But Stain lost and it made big in the news. His ideology had spread on the internet like wild fire and many people agreed with his opinions on the Hero Society.

You and Shigaraki had your own meeting with him but the both of you despised him and he didn't joined your league.

A pity though, he would have made a great asset to your team.

Next, Giran introduced the man, "He hasn't done any flashy crimes yet, but he holds true to Stain's ideology, he goes by Dabi."

"Dabi? What a weird nickname, what is your real name?" You asked.

"I didn't ask for your opinion nor will I give you my name." Dabi said firmly as he glared at you. "I will only reveal it at the right time."

"Ugh, boring." You complained.

"I will follow true to Stain's will, and I hope that this league will help me accomplish it." Dabi continued, ignoring your comment.

"Stain Stain Stain, all anybody talks about is Stain. Its getting annoying!" Shigaraki yelled and charged at the new recruits, with his hand extended out.

Shigaraki, a boy born with a powerful quirk. When all five of his fingers touch something, the object will disintegrate into dust.

You watch in amusement as Toga pulled out knives, ready to slice Shigaraki while Dabi activated his quirk, which seemed to be blue fire.

"That explains the scars."  You thought to yourself.

Before either group could deal any damage, Kurogiri's purple mist extended and prevented anyone from getting attack.

"Damn it! I was going to put my money on Tomura!" You complained to Kurogiri who ignored you.

"We will need more recruits, especially since that you plan to get our league to be more well known." Kurogiri explained to Shigaraki as he retracted his mist.

Muttering some complains, Shigaraki stormed out and slammed the door.

"Honestly, Shigaraki is way too young to be taking care of something like this." Giran said as he sighed.

"He is immature." Dabi said.

"I don't like how his skin looks." Toga complained.

"Eh, its not that bad, he just needs to work on his scratching habit." You say, feeling the need to defend the man you had lived with most of your life.

"What are you, his girlfriend or something?" Dabi demanded.

You looked at Dabi and started laughing, you could hear what sounded like a suppressed chuckle from Kurogiri's direction.

"Me? Dating Tomura? As if, I rather be known as his sister or something, not girlfriend." You said as you rolled your eyes. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to drag Mr. Grumpy pants back." You said as you glitched out of the hideout.

"I suggest you two to wait for an answer, something tells me you will be getting an acceptance considering how low we are running on man power." Kurogiri said as he continued to wipe the cups at the mini bar in the hideout.

"I will be bringing back more recruits if I can find some." Giran said as he left.

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