"It was his fault!"

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 Ah, the League of Villains, a place where chaos reigns day by day.

You and Dabi were currently fighting over the T.V remote.

"Give that to me!" You yelled as you tried to reach for the remote.

"Ha! Short bitch!" Dabi teased as he held the remote out of your reach

(If you aren't short, uhhh I apologize)

"You bastard!" You yell as you pounced on him and began tussling for the remote.

Unfortunately the both of you were a little to rough and one of you kicked something, earning the noise of glass being broken.

The both of you froze and saw Shigaraki's switch on the floor, broken.

You and Dabi looked at each other, then back at the switch.

"Quick, get rid of the evidence!" You yelled.

"I'm already a step ahead you bitch!" Dabi yelled, prepared to burn the switch.

"What are the both of you doing?" Shigaraki's voice said from the doorway.

You and Dabi, both sweating nervously, turned to see an angry Shigaraki.

"Heyyyy Tomura!" You said smiling.

"Why are you back early Shiggy?" Dabi asked nonchalantly.

"What. The. Hell. Happened. To. My. Switch."

"It was his fault!" You said, pointing to Dabi.

"No, you were the one who started the fight first!" Dabi protested.

The both of you started to argue again before hearing Shigaraki's fist slammed on the table.

10 seconds later, you and Dabi had kneeled down with the both of your faces touching the floor in front of Shigaraki.

"I am really sorry Tomura but honestly, it was Dabi who kicked it." You said.

"WHAT? IT WAS YOU!" Dabi yelled back.

"I don't CARE who did it, but the both of you will have to get me a new one or else the both of you will be dust." Shigaraki threatened.

"Yes sir." You and Dabi said before glitching out of the base.

You glitched the both of you to an alley to try to figure out how to get a new switch without catching any attention.

"Well first of all, we need money. Do you have that?" You asked.

"No, I thought you did." Dabi said.

"Well fuck." 

"We could just rob someone and buy a switch."

"But Tomura said we can't draw too much attention because he has something big being planned right now." You pointed out.

"Well, we are dead." Dabi said.

At that moment, the familiar sound of flapping wings were heard above the both of you.

"Hey there! Didn't expect to see you two here!" Hawks said.

"Great, bird brain is here." Dabi muttered.

"Shut up Dabi! Hawks is rich remember?" You hissed back.

"What are you two whispering about?" Hawks questioned.

"Nothing!" You and Dabi said together.

Hawks stared suspiciously at the both of you, it felt like he was staring at you forever.

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