Chater 7 - Non-Disclosed

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As you can imagine, tonight's sleep did not come easily. All I could do was replay the entire day in my head. It was pure perfection. Up until those crazy women showed up. I fought with myself so hard about wanting to text Yoongi. I kept picking up my phone and putting it back down. I wanted to tell him I couldn't sleep. I wanted to see if he was having trouble sleeping too. He was probably up working on music. I finally turned my phone all the way off and out of my reach. He's a busy man, do not disturb him.

I dug through my medicine cabinet and took a benadryl. I needed help sleeping, my mind was running a marathon. After a half hour, I finally became drowsy and took myself to bed. Sleep visited shortly after I laid now.

My alarm went off, time to get up for work. I sighed heavily. How hard would I struggle to focus on my job today? I turned my phone back on and checked my messages. The goodnight message was still there. I had to reassure myself that yesterday wasn't a dream. It seemed very dream like.

While I was showering and fixing my hair, all I could think about was Yoongi. I wanted to talk to someone so bad. I wanted a second opinion about the situation. Was he truly into me? The way he kissed me would prove that he was. I needed someone to confide in. I thought I would call my mom on my lunch and talk to her. I would just give Yoongi a fake name, I would protect him and the situation. I got dressed for work and headed out the door.

Working for 4 hours had passed, it was lunch time. I went out to my car and called my mom. I wanted to see what she thought. She answered immediately.

"Hey mom, how are you?" She sounded excited to hear my voice.

"Hey sweetheart! I'm great now, how is my beautiful daughter?"

"I'm alright mom, just halfway through my workday."

"You don't sound okay, are you having a bad day?" Mom could tell something was off. Moms are good at that.

"Honestly mom, I called because I've been seeing this guy, and I want your opinion on him." I heard her laugh through the speaker.

"Okay, tell me about him."

"Well, his name is...Mark. He is a musician. He is smart, sophisticated, and so attractive it's ridiculous. I met him at a bar, and before you scold me, I hardly drank, and it wasn't how it sounds. We went for a walk, talked about music, ate a snack and he kissed me under the moonlight."

"Sounds like he likes you if he kissed you." Mom interrupted me.

"Yeah, I guess, he just is giving me mixed signals. Sometimes he's distant and sometimes he is kissing me. Yesterday we got very close, we held hands and walked around the park. He made me lunch for a picnic, and we had a moment before he left."

Mom giggled, "He sounds super sweet. Mark also sounds like he's afraid to be intimate but gets caught up in the moment sometimes. Give him plenty of space and patience, if you like him and think he's worth it, that is." I smiled at mom's wise advice.

We finished talking, I asked her how she had been, how her job was. I promised to come see her soon and she said "Good! Maybe I can meet Mark soon." I swallowed heavily. "Yeah. I gotta go back into work, I love you mom." I hung up after she told me she loved me back and wished me a good day. I walked back into the hospital and finished my day. Clocking out and walking to my car, I got a text notification. I smiled instantly when I read it was from Yoongi.

"When is your next day off?" I giggled and bit my lip.

"I'm off the day after tomorrow. Who is this?" I loved teasing him. He makes it so easy, he's too cute.

Tangerine (MYG)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora