Chapter 43

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Standing at the door was He Zhenxuan's little uncle Chen Qifeng.

    Seeing the obvious dislike in Li Jincheng's eyes, he smiled awkwardly and said, "I heard that you were injured, so I want to come and see you."

    "I thought you should stay in Switzerland."

    After not seeing him for a while, Li Jincheng became a little aggressive, but when he thought that he was his junior, it was only natural to ask him for help. Therefore, Chen Qifeng sat down on the sofa next to the hospital bed and said: "Jincheng, I have something to think about. I'm looking for your help."

    "what's up?"

    At this moment, Chen Qifeng finally felt a little embarrassed. After sitting upright, he said: "It's Zhenxuan... he reduced the monthly living expenses of me and Miao Qing..."

    The He family is extraordinary. Even if their monthly living expenses are equal to the sum of ordinary people's annual income.

.He Miaoqing originally held shares in Rongsheng, but because she inadvertently killed her elder brother that year, in anger, He Zongtong took back these shares.

    Without shares, there would be no dividends, but taking into account her health, blood is thicker than water, He Zongtong has never been harsh on them in these aspects.

    In addition, Chen Qifeng was previously not only a professor at a well-known university on Hong Kong Island, but also at Rongsheng, receiving a high salary.

    But the last time the incident happened suddenly, in order to avoid He Zhenxuan's retaliation, he had to resign from the school and hurriedly flew He Miaoqing to Switzerland.

    But even so, they still live that kind of luxurious life.

    As long as he doesn't see He Zhenxuan or come into contact with things related to Song Heyao, He Miaoqing's mental state can be called normal.

    Switzerland is a famous holiday destination with picturesque scenery and a lot of good food at the same time.

.Although it was said that they took He Miaoqing to the nursing home, the two of them had been living in star-rated hotels.

    Skiing, climbing, or traveling by train to nearby countries.

    Chen Qifeng enjoys this kind of life very much. In his imagination, this is just a longer vacation. When this incident is over, please ask He Zongtong or other people in the He family to intercede with He Zhenxuan, and they can go back and continue. Live the same life as before.

    But a few days ago, he realized the seriousness of the situation when the hotel informed them that the balance in their account was not enough to pay for their room rate for this month.

    He Zongtong's phone couldn't get through. He waited until he called He Ningran to find out what happened recently in the He family.

    He Zongtong didn't know where he went, so he only brought Shao Shu and his two personal assistants with him.

.Although He Ningran put a large amount of money into their account, it was not a long-term solution, so in desperation, he had to come back.

    He knew that He Zhenxuan still resented him and He Miaoqing in his heart, thinking that now he held Li Jincheng in his hands like a baby, he would definitely listen to what Li Jincheng said, so he hurried here as soon as he got off the plane.

    Li Jincheng didn't know these things, he could guess one or two roughly when he saw the expression on Chen Qifeng's face.

    "Do you want me to intercede for you?"

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