Chapter 9

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A little later

Y/n's POV

Some of us were setting up the table for breakfast while others were clearing up the living room when Sarah asked "did dad go"

"Yep with Kyle and Nigel." Her mother replied

I walked over to the mantle on the fire place picking up a bunch of random toys and magazines

While Henry and Jake clean off the coffee table.

When I heard a squeaking noise.

I turn and see the chiseler had Jake's wallet.

"Hey Jake?" I said trying not to scary it off.

"What" he said not looking up.

"Is that your wallet." I asked pointing at the rat.

"Hey, the chillers got my wallet" Jake yelled that out and to get everyone attention.

But if that didn't get there attention then the sound of Jake's skateboards going through the wall did.

"Whoa check it out" I said as everyone came in to look inside the hole.

"Yeah must have had an escape hatch." Henry said as we look at the pile of stuff we all lost over the years.

"Look at all this stuff." Bud said

"That's mine, from,like, the 80's." Nora pointed out a teddy bear covered in dust.

Henry picked up causing us to see even more stuff that was underneath it.

Jake leans down and picks up this old pease of fabric and carefully unfolds it. As Mike picks up a tennis ball and a Dinosaur handing that to Mark.

Let me see that Mrs. Backer said look big down at the thing Jake picked up.

"Look at this, it's are old team flag." She said holding up a old cloth that said team baker on it in blue paint.

"It was firm that time we last to the Murtaughs by two points."Henry said

"Yeah, because mom fell in the sack race."
Mark said reminiscing on the fond memory.

"Daddy carried me all the way home." Mrs. Baker said chuckling.

"A lot of memories. And you know your father he wants to be apart of every single one of them. That's why he is having such a hard time letting go. But you know one thing for sure. No matter what daddy says if he is in a good mood or a bad mood, you're his favorite team alright."

Time skips

We are pulling up on the beach and we see Kyle, Nigel, and dad having a group huddle we all run over to them and group hugged.

"You can't let varsity down." Sarah said looking up at her dad.

"And I promise to never go on a date with you and Eliot again."

"Or you and Jake." he said turning to Jake and I.

"Hey Murtaugh, this is are year!" Mr. baker yells huddle up. huddle up. come on.

We all gather around and listen to Mr. bakers speech.

"Ok I know I've been a jerk all week but that's old news." He said

"Yeah" we all yell

"You got to get loose. Don't let them intimidate you."

"Yes!!!" We all yell trying to get hyped up.

"Now you each have a special talent, I want you to us it. I don't care win or lose I just want you to do your best."He said.

And finally let's get focused and stay with the plan. He said confusing everyone

"Wait, what's the plan, Dad?" Kimmy asked

"Okay well we don't have a game plan but you just in general..."

"Chin up, charge the mountain!" Jake yells helping his dad keep everyone excited.

"All right let's do this."

First was the wheelbarrow race Mark was on his hands while henry held his feet up. And the won

Bakers 1 - Murtaughs 0

Them came the sack race Sarah was competing but she didn't win

Bakers 1 - Murtaughs 1

For the egg toss it was Jessica and Kimmy but it cracked on Jessica's head. But they Murtaughs didn't win either

Bakers 1 - Murtaughs 1

Then it was archery Kyle and Nigel were competing in this one. They both got a bulls- eye so they won.

Bakers 2 - Murtaughs 1

Then it came to diving it was Henry's turn and he just did a Cannon ball while the Murtaughs did a well beautiful dive

Bakers 2- Murtaughs 2

The egg race was Charlies challenge and he ended up dropping it.

Bakers 2- Murtaughs 3

Now it is volleyball I was playing with Henry, Kimmy, Bud, Charlie, Mike and Mark.

I hit it over the net and the eldest Murtaugh failed to hit it before it touched the ground.

Bakers 3- Murtaughs 3

It was father vs father as Tom and Jimmy stood on a log in the middle of the lake and Mr. Baker fell landing on the log in a way that caused every guy there to cringe.

Bakers 3 - Murtaughs 4

And finally it was the three legged race Jake and I where competing together and won because the Murtaughs fell over at the start line.

Bakers 4- Murtaughs 4

"Well for the first time since 1961 our Labor Day cup has ended in a tie. The Miller family will be talking third place and to determine second place and are champion, the Bakers and the Murtaughs are going to have a canoe race from here to the state forest end of the park and back."

But we already knew this was going to happen because that was my job for the last couple of years

"since the Bakers have such a large number y/n who isn't a Baker by marriage or blood will not be participating in this but will be in a kayak making sure the groups don't go the wrong way and or nothing goes wrong."

"All right but besides that one exception all family members must participate."

"Mike, Mike, uh... I got a daughter that's due in a week. She-she can't do that." Mr. Baker said to the man at the podium

"Gee, Tom, maybe you can work something out with Jimmy here, okay?"

"Looks like your going to have to forfeit, Tom."Jimmy said

What kind of a jerk won't let a pregnant women back out of one stupid race. I thought to my self.

"Look uhh.. she can't do it. So ... we're done. And....congratulations."Mr. Baker said

What a good father, I thought.

Tom and Jimmy were just about to shake hands when Nora walked forwards

"Whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa.
I'm going Dad." She said walking up to Mr. Murtaugh and poked him in the chest and said

"You just pissed off a severely-hormonal pregnant women."

She then turned around and "yelled let's do this."

The Bakers walked towards there canoe and I helped Nora get in this is going to be one hell of a story to tell her kid.

Word count 1141

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