Chapter 12

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A couple years later

Jake's POV

We are all heading down to the lake for summer. My senior year just ended and I am attending Johnson University. Which isn't that far from the lake.

I pull up to the lake house with Mike and Mark in my car and get all of are stuff out and put it in are room.

When I walk back out I see are family van pull up and Kyle, Nigel, Jessica, and Kimmy hop out with mom and dad.

"Hey guys" I said helping them with there bags

"When is everyone else getting here."

"Nora Bud and little Tom and Baby Emma are getting here tonight as well as Lorraine and Sarah." Said Kim

"And Henry will get here tomorrow morning because of some performance at school." Jessica said finishing Kim's statement

"I am never going to get used to y'all finishing each others sentences like that." a voice said from behind me.

I turn around to see my beautiful girlfriend standing behind me.


I yell picking her up in a big hug and spinning around.

"Hi"she said as I set her down but before she could say anything else I kissed her

With my hands still wrapped around her waist.

"Awww!!!"the girl twins said kinda ruining the moment because it made y/n laugh.

The Murtaughs got here last night and Eliot asked for us to call as soon as Sarah gets here. She said pulling away and helping everyone carry there stuff in.

She sets the stuff down in side and hugs Mike and Mark

Then My parents

"Y/n looking at how pretty and grown up you are." My mom said looking at her

"Aww thank you." Y/n said hugging her

"SQUIRT!!!" My dad said hugging my girlfriend

"Still using that nickname I see." She replies

We all sit down and talk about what has been happening while we where gone.

When Nora Bud and Little Tom and Baby Emma pull up.

With Charlie and his fiancé Opal right behind them.

"Heyyy" we all run out to greet them. "How have y'all been."

"Great" Nora said getting out of the car holding a year old baby girl

And a little boy ran out of the back of the car and went over to Kyle to get a big hug and being tossed in between him and Nigel.

We all get in side and help Noras family get settled when Mom, Nora, Opal, and Y/n go to make dinner.

So how are things going with you and y/n Charlie asks me after they are out of ear shot.

"Good" I said looking down

"I am really happy and now that we live closer to each other I am exited to see how things go."

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