chapter 13

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Patting my back.

Proud of myself 😜, update on time, as I promised

Thank you for supporting guys

I love you all♥️

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Now njoy.

"Finally my friend is married" Vansh said clapping like a kid

"Abhi let's go for lunch in some restaurant"

"Can't we have at home" he asked his mother, he was tensed about his family's safety he can't let them know about someone is trying to harm them nor he can be careless.

"No we have to go" he sighed, his mother his more stubborn than his three year old daughter and he know that

"Fine" he gritted

They all stopped at a restaurant "KHAaNA" which was belonged to Khanna's which is the only safe place according to him, as it was belonged to them.

When everyone settled on table shradha gave a bored look to her husband and son's, Abhiman saw her and asked


"Can't you take to another resturant" she asked rolling her eyes

"It's over resturant FYI" Arjun said, Anu's mother snapped her head towards Arjun as soon as words left from his mouth, Gayatri was not exactly greedy but her elder daughter made her like that, and she was also reason why she hate Anu, she didn't know who Anu was marrying, now she was happy that she can take as much money from her daughter.

"Exactly thats the reason I didn't wanted to come"

"I will come, I have some work" before anyone can say anything, Abhiman went outside resturant he saw his security team, he went towards Rajveer

"Any suspicious activities" he asked, Rajveer shook his head

"No sir everything is fine" he nodded

"Veer any developments, did you find anything about that women who tried to harm Adhira" he was trying to talk with Rajveer on this matter from morning but there was no time as so much was going on.

"No sir iam trying"

"Check security cameras of hospital once again" Rajveer nodded, Abhiman's phone rang, he walked little distance and started speaking on phone

"Adhira" Abhiman heard loud Yelp from vansh, he jerked his head towards the voice, he saw a car speeding towards Adhira, Vansh pulled her towards him in nick of time, Abhiman's heart beat increase when he saw that scene, he gritted his teeth and went towards his security team and started yelling at them.

Anu hugged frightened adhira, they all wanted to ask why she went there but it's not the time, Adhira was shaking in Anu's arms even she wasn't in state to console her, Anu panicked when she didn't saw Adhira with them when she asked Ansh he said he don't know whe she came outside scene infront of her made her horrified, a car was zooming towards her, she heard a loud Yelp of Vansh who save her on time. Vansh saw both mother daughter, he looked towards Abhiman who was yelling at his team, he went towards him.


"What" he spat

"Adhira need you, look at her she is shaking" he pointed towards Adhira, Abhiman cursed himself and walked towards them.

"Princess" he called her scooting to her level, she didn't lifted her head, he slowly took her from Anu's embrace, and rubbed Anu's back he know even she is in same state of Adhira

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