Chapter 5-All the First (Part 1)

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"I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into my life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life" -Savage Garden

Desiree's POV


I stopped in front of my best friend Lolit's house. I hadn't even been able to turn off the engine of the motorbike that I borrowed from my younger brother Dylan when something suddenly bumped the back of it. It was just a soft bump but because I was caught off guard, I was out of balance. The motorbike fell down with me in it. I was shocked.

I cursed silently. Whoever hit my motorbike must be blind. Fortunately, I had already stopped otherwise I would have probably ended up in the hospital, if not in the cemetery.

I immediately saw the driver get out of the car. It was good that he got off right away because if he didn't, I would have thrown a rock on his clearly very expensive car.

"Hey brod! are you okay? I'm sorry! I didn't notice you. I'm really sorry," he said with a hint of concern in his voice.

The man stepped closer to me. He looked like he wanted to help me get up on my feet but I stood up quickly. I just didn't appreciate it when he called me brod. Obviously, this driver thought I was a man.

Well, I couldn't blame him. I was wearing a helmet, of course, so he couldn't see my face clearly. I lost the urge to answer his question. I really wanted to say I'm fine. But when I heard he called me brod I changed my mind. It was a bit annoying.

With your get-up, who would ever think that you're a girl?

Well, I would be so impressed by anyone who would know I was a girl despite my clothes. Jeans, fitted t-shirt inside a cotton jacket, rubber shoes, and helmet were my get-up today.

I didn't have any identity problems okay. I just liked this type of outfit because they were faster to wear than dresses . I didn't have to spend hours staring at the mirror trying to find out if the dress suits me.

With this kind of outfit, I was ready in just two minutes. Anyway, since I was using my brother's motorbike, my outfit was just perfect for it. If I didn't ride a motorbike, I might be hours before I reach Lolit's house. And that would be the worst thing that could happen. Missing her debut would be the greatest sin I could ever commit.

As soon as I stood up, I immediately removed my helmet. My thick, long, wavy hair fell out. At the same time, the car owner looked at me in astonishment.

Without the helmet, I saw his face clearly. I blinked my eyes a few times to make sure that what I was seeing wasn't just the effect of my fall. I'm sure I wasn't hurt that much and I didn't bump my head either. But why was the man in front of me looked like an angel?

I even wanted to ask if I was already in heaven.

The surprise in his eyes was so obvious. He was tall, too. My vision can barely reach his chest. At my height of five feet and two inches, I had to look up hard to see his face clearly. When my eyes finally landed on his face I was mesmerized. It was a good thing my mouth didn't open. He would probably think that my jaw hit the ground.

Thin lips, sharp nose, and "smiling eyes" under long eyelashes that are very rare in men. My eyes seemed to be glued to his. My heart was beating so fast I had to take a deep breath. Because he was also looking at me intently. His mouth was even slightly open. If it wasn't inappropriate, I would really burst out laughing. The look on his face was really funny.

"I ... I'm sorry. I... I just thought you are ..." He seemed to stammer, not knowing what to say.

Served him right for calling me brod.

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