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"I'm too busy to buy it myself, go and buy it for me

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"I'm too busy to buy it myself, go and buy it for me." Jay hands her a credit card, brushing his jet-black hair behind.

"W-wait, buy what again?"

"Louis Vuitton limited edition necklace summer special 30th-year version. It's limited to 300 pieces today, make sure you get it." Jay reminds her before walking away.

"What if I don't get it?!"

"Just see." he replies without looking at her.

Haneul feels her heartbeat fasten, she immediately runs towards the door leaving the studio. For some reason, his voice seems threatening enough if she didn't manage to get the piece.


"Oh hell, no." her eyes widened when she saw the long queue in front of the Louis Vuitton entrance. She examines the people, there are probably over 200 people already. Without any further, she runs to the end of the line to queue.

Will I even get this?

As she's waiting for the queue to move, she pulls out her phone to entertain herself.

But for some reason, her phone isn't turning on. She tapped the phone a few times trying to turn it on, it doesn't work. The queue is slowly moving, while she's still frustrated by her phone.

"I knew I charged it fully, why isn't it turning on?" She mumbles to herself.

"Our limited edition necklace is almost running out! We only have 50 pieces left." the worker suddenly announced about the almost finished items.

Haneul puts her phone back in her pocket when she hears the announcement, tapping her legs in nervousness. She scans the line in front of her, counting the people until it reaches her.

"45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,"

"I'm the 51?!" she screams letting herself hear.

Oh, how lucky am I?

Slowly, the line behind her is disappearing once they heard the news, knowing damn well they won't get the item anyway.

Haneul bites her inner cheek, thinking of a solution to do. The guy in front of her... He looks nice enough for her to blackmail. The line is slowly moving forward making her gets even nervous.

"H-hey..." Haneul taps on the guy's shoulder, gaining attention from him.

The tall male pulls out his Airpods on his ears, looking at her while raising his eyebrows. If he's wearing an AirPods, he might not hear the worker's announcement earlier. Haneul internally gasps to herself when she sees his face. He's so cute.

"Yes?" he shows her a warm smile. His foxy eyes are so pretty, with his pretty smile looking at her. He looks younger than her.

"Are you planning on buying the necklace?"

Sweet Dreams | JAY ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now