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5.00 am, 25th of May.

I don't know what to write, I just want to lessen the empty pages... Yesterday, was kinda hectic. How long has it been since I properly sleep? I don't even remember to be honest. The pill, Its officially finished. Aunt didn't even look at me today when I came back, I'm glad. I hate being yelled at... Talking about being yelled at, I just got yelled at by someone who barely knows me... Which honestly embarrassing since everyone is watching me. By the way, Jay. My mind is so full of him... I'm wondering, did he see the pill? Will he believe what I told just a vitamin? I don't know. I'm still scared...

Haneul slams the book pages close, throwing the pen across her room. She rubs her face aggressively feeling super tired but her eyes wouldn't close.

"I miss going to bed and instantly sleeping without a problem..."

"I'm so tired... I need energy..."

"But how? I can't even close my eyes for 10 seconds."

"I wonder when will I get the second paycheck... I desperately needed money for medication and a new phone..." she mutters to herself with her eyes wide open staring at the ceiling.

She sits up on her bed, feeling lifeless. She walks up to her window, opening it wide since it's already 5 am in morning. A cold breeze hits her skin, gazing at the dark sky above her.

"Pretty sky..."

Birds chirping are heard, with some of the houses already lit with lights and some aren't.

"Early birds..."

She looks up to the sky again, examining the perfectly round moon shining brightly.

"Beautiful moon--"


Haneul stops talking to herself, her body feels tense with goosebumps all over her body. It's 5 am... Please tell me it's not ghost.

"Hey, I'm calling you."

She blinks her eyes a few times, gently slapping her cheeks to wake herself up.

"What is this? Am I hallucinating already? Looks like I really need sleep..." she chuckles to herself, still feeling scared.

"There's no ghost, dumbass. It's me, Jay. Look down."

Haneul feels her body relaxed a little when she hears his name, Jay?

She immediately looks down, searching for the owner of the voice. Her eyes widened when she saw him leaning on a wall right below her room window.

"J-jay? What are you doing here?! At this hour?!" she screams whispers with her eyebrows creased in confusion.

"I'm bored, wanna sneak out?" he calmly offers.

Sweet Dreams | JAY ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now