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"We're going to the beach! I see it now! Oh I haven't been here in so long!" I squealed.

He laughed as he parked the car.

"Wait till you see the set up." He said stepping out of the car.

He rounded it and came over to open my door.

I blushed deeply as he collected Ivory from me with a smirk on his face.

"Uhm...thanks." I murmured, he took my hand and led me to the beach.

"Oh My Gawd! Look at that!" I squealed letting go of his hand and rushing off to the set up.

I stood in front of it and gushed.

The gold fairy light was everything for me.

Blankets were spread on the floor with loads of pillows.

A mini floor table sat at the center with a baby seater beside it.

It was cute!

The picnic basket was huge and I could imagine all sorts of food in it.

A drink cooler lay beside it. It wasn't properly closed, a bottle of Shloer fruit wine was budging out of it.

I turned to Ethan with a bright smile on my face.

"Ethan! This is awesome! Can you see? My Lord!" I gushed collecting Ivory from him.

"Baby look at this" I said to her as I knelt by the baby seater and put her in.

"So I'm guessing you like it?" He asked tentatively.

I snapped my head over to him.

"Like?! Like is an understatement Ethan! I love it." I exclaimed gesturing wildly at everything.

"Thank God you do cause it took a while for me to determine the theme and everything, as you know there are a few things I don't know about you..." He said.

I smiled softly. "Hopefully that'll would change tonight!" I said cheerfully.

I folded my legs under me and placed my elbows on my knee.

I watched him copy my position which made me chuckle.

"So what do you want to know about me?"

"Everything?" He raised a brow.

He already knew quite a few things though.

Living together for 3 weeks must have been a thing.

I found a pack of gummy bears on top of the floor table and I grabbed it.

I popped it open and began to talk.

"Well, I'm Aurora. I'm 18, I love food, I love having fun. I love iced coffees. I am so obsessed with Dunkin donuts but I don't get it that much. I love chocolate. I hate balloons. I...am dead scared of clowns. My favorite movie is "Francesca". It's about this girl who was being haunted by a ghost but the story is very unrealistic which is why I love it I guess. I'm off like that. I hate leaving notifications on my phone's notification bar, I always clear it. I love purple. I love Capri sun. I love the beach...I have a daughter...I love her too much." I literally just kept ranting like that for about an hour and Ethan laughed at intervals but he didn't shut me up shockingly.

It seemed like Ivory was listening too.

She was staring at my face and grinning.

I got hungry and we decided to have dinner.

I opened the basket and got out the snacks and pastries with Ethan's help who apparently was also starving.

My rant kind of distracted us.

The moon came out with it's stars and we got talking about the constellations as we ate.

After we ate, I nursed Ivory and she fell asleep.

It was now about 9:45pm.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked looking around.

"Ivory..." I said. We couldn't possibly leave her.

"The baby carrier stuff you wear around yourself, I have one in my car. Nessa baby proofed everything I own and put baby things every where."

"That's why she's my bestie, she's got my back 24/7." I smirked as he handed me the key.

"Meet me by the shops at that end." He rolled his eyes getting up.

He picked up Ivory and I chuckled as I headed back to the lot.

When I got back, I put Ivory in the baby carrier which I attached to my front and I and Ethan went for a stroll.

It was his turn to talk about himself.

He didn't rant but this is the longest I've heard him say so it was fun to hear his voice just go on and on.

I listened quietly like he did mine.

Ivory sneezed in her sleep and immediately I and Ethan chorsued, "Bless you baby"

We randomly talked and by 10:20pm we left.

He took me back home.

That night...✓Where stories live. Discover now