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I pulled my jacket closer to myself with one hand while the other pushed Ivory's trolley.

"I can't believe we're going to New York!" Azra squealed and I smiled.

"Guys....is that.. "Aaron paused and pointed at a Red Ferrari.

"Mr. Grayson's family." Dad smiled.

"Why the heck?!" I shrieked.

"Why are they here?" Azra asked more decently than I did.

"Mr. Grayson works with me." Dad said.

"I wanna go home." I muttered.

"Too late" An all to familiar voice whispered behind me.

"Yes.. too late." Dad smirked and I groaned.

"You're Aurora?" Vanessa asked.

"I know you! From TikTok and I think I've seen you a few times in school." She added before I responded to her first question.

"Right. Yeah, I'm Rora." I said following everyone else in.

My dad, Laura and Mr. Grayson were ahead.

Vanessa was holding Lia, her little sister.

"Aww! Is that my niece??" Vanessa shrieked. Ethan glared at her and she smirked back at him which made him roll his eyes.

She lifted up Ivory carefully from the baby trolley and kissed her cheek.

"I wanna play with her too!" Lia grinned.

Lia was ignored, not intentionally though.

"Ethan, she looks so much like you." Vanessa laughed.

"Right? The resemblance is epic." Azra said and Vanessa nodded smiling.

She turned to Ethan and it was like they were communicating with their eyes.

Ethan rolled his eyes and looked away from her.

"Do you wanna carry her?" She asked and he began to shake his head.

"Come on E!" She said.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't have to be so heartless." She shrugged and he raised a brow making her laugh.

"You can't be heartless even if you tried." She added.

He came over to her side and collected Ivory.

"She's adorable right? Like her ma!" Vanessa asked.

"Thanks?" I frowned.

How is she so... Cheerful? And Ethan is like...uhm the opposite?

At New York.
So apparently My dad rented four cars for the three weeks we'll be here.

I and Ethan got a car to ourselves unfortunately. I don't get why dad is so desperate for us to....be a thing or something.

Ethan was already in the driver seat.

I got in the passenger seat carefully cause I was holding a sleeping Ivory.

"Hi" I smiled.

He glanced at me. "What?" He asked.

"Rude much? Anyways could you make a quick stop at a drive thru, I'm starving." I said.

"You could eat  at the hotel." He replied.

I sighed tiredly and leaned my head on the seat's headrest.

After a short the car stopped.

"We'll lose the rest but what do you want?" He asked.

"Can I have a burger with fries?" I asked. He ordered that and got it from the lady by the window.

"Money?" He asked me.

I rolled my eyes and got money from my hand bag.

He took it and paid.

He then placed the food on the dashboard.

I leaned closer to the board and took the burger.

He then used google maps to find our way to Wellington hotel.

On the way Ivory slowly woke and I thanked heavens, my arm were aching already from holding her in one position.

"Thank goodness." I whispered.

She fully opened her eyes and they landed on Ethan who was like in front of her from her angle.

"She's looking at you." I said.

He looked down at her and back at me.

"......So?" He frowned.

"You don't have to be so mean all the time." I said.

"Its my life not yours" He shrugged.

"You have a freaking problem!" I exclaimed and he sighed.

"Why is Ivory always the butt of every conversation we have?" He asked.

"She practically tied us together and there's nothing we can do, cause it has happened already, so who else would be the butt of our conversations?" I frowned and he rolled his eyes.

I adjusted Ivory and made her sit up. She played with my hoodie strings while making cute baby noises.

"Do you love her at all?" I asked after a while of silence.

He slowed down as we just got to the hotel.

He didn't respond.

I sighed. He doesn't act like he loves her at all.

He drove into the hotel and parked the car next to his dad's.

"I just met her." He said.

I opened the car door and got out carefully.

I then opened the backseat door and got out my hand bag.

"Over here!" Azra yelled.

I walked up to her with Ethan who was behind me.

"How was the ride?" She whispered.

"Don't know. Where are the rest?" I asked.

She glared at me.

"They're in their rooms. You and Ethan's room is on the second floor, this is your key. See you in the evening for fun at the pool." Azra winked and left.

Same room?!

"You've got to be kidding me.." Ethan sighed.

That night...✓Where stories live. Discover now