Your wish is my command

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Just some unadulterated fluff for ya!


Merlin was down with a cold and bedridden till he got better, a product of Arthur overworking him and Gaius sending him on one too many herb hunts. And the boy would rather not have to stay in bed for goodness knows how long it was Gaius' orders him to. But Merlin wasn't one to deny those orders especially when he felt like a rubbish bin that had caught on fire (a raging dumpster fire).

But his staying in bed on such a lovely day did bring up one question that was yet to be answered. Who was to be Arthur's manservant for the day? Well I can tell you that Arthur's opinion on the matter is that he would rather just keep Merlin and not have to deal with anyone else.

So that is exactly what Arthur planned to do. He was going to help Merlin get better (I know right? Prince genius over here). Except one eensy weency little problemo, he has absolutely no idea how to do that. So he started his day by finding Gaius and asking him what he can do to help Merlin.

Gaius was very grateful for the help because it lightened his load. So he gave Arthur specific instructions to sit at Merlin's bedside and keep him company and in higher spirits, also with the implication that if Merlin should need anything Arthur would be there to help (aka: food, water, a pillow, etc..).

And Arthur was almost content to do exactly as Gaius told him but when he tried to get comfortable on a rock hard chair in Merlin's little cupboard of a room he was not pleased in the slightest. This possessed him with another great idea.

He was going to take care of Merlin from the comfort of his own chambers. (Oh wait y'know what might be nice? Dialogue!)

"C'mon Merlin it's not that far of a walk!" Arthur pleaded, he was becoming desperate.

"Yes. It. Is. And I am sooo tired just let me sleep in my own bed." Merlin sounded exasperated at this point, he just wanted to sleep.

"But I wanna spend time with you and I don't want you to be uncomfortable!" Whined Arthur.

"Well I'm not walking." And with that closing statement Merlin 'ended the conversation' and crossed his arms as he leaned back against the wall.

But Arthur was not having that so he went and scooped Merlin up into his arms and started walking to his chambers.

"What the heck are you doing!" Merlin shrieked, a result of his having lost his voice.

"Well you didn't want to walk and you're not that heavy so I decided to just carry you" Arthur stated that like is was a normal solution to every day problems. Then he smiled at Merlin and continued to make his way to his chambers carrying his manservant.( btw everyone is kinda used to Arthur and Merlin's antics so they aren't even batting an eye at this)


Y'know I'll keep this short but if you want me to continue it I will. Also tell me if there are any oneshots you would like me to bring to life I would be happy to do that for you!
Thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day/night! I love you my lovelies!!!💚

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