*Chapter 22: Differences that separate us

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Final edits on: 14th January '17

If I could be the rain that connects Earth and heaven that won't ever meet in whole eternity, could I also be the one to bind two people's hearts together?

– Inoue Orihime (Bleach)

Mornings. I used to hate them, but it's been almost a month since that girl Regina barged in. Blake had a long time talking with his father about what happened which only made things worse with their relationship—not that I thought that it could've gotten any worse than it already was. Regina tried to get back to Blake so many times after that incident using all kinds of seducing schemes, but failed every time. Even after I tried to convince myself that I didn't love Blake, every proof I used made me think otherwise.

I found many new things about him, except for the one I really wanted to know: what happened to his sister. By the looks of it, I came to the conclusion that something also happened to Melissa. She never talked about Amy's father which I found very confusing. Not only that, but whenever I asked her, she'd completely shut down, saying how she didn't know who he was. One-night stand apparently, but Max always looked at her with saddened eyes whenever she'd say that.

At first, I thought that it was probably him who was Amy's father but he wasn't so attached to her as one father should be, and when I confronted Blake about that, his reply was: "No, why the hell would you even think that?" Since his answer didn't hold any secret, I dismissed the idea not so long after. So, I came to the conclusion that she was either telling the truth or hiding something painful. But I decided not to press her any further. If she wanted to, she'd tell me one day. There were some things we couldn't voice out, I guessed.

Blake and I's wedding was scheduled for Valentine's Day, or in two weeks, but I knew that even though his mother was glad that I opened and fixed Blake somehow, she was still a bit wary of me. I couldn't blame her, it's not like your billionaire son decides to marry someone of low status every day. I guess, you never actually knew. It was a natural assumption that I was using him. It was the way the world worked nowadays. People are going to judge you either way, so at least do what you want. That's how I decided to live and is probably one of the rare things I could say I didn't regret.

"What are you thinking about?" Right, to get back to my point.

Waking up, I always hated that part of my life, but now that more than a month passed since I saw Blake again and decided to marry him, I came to like waking up in his arms. Not even once did it happen after Christmas that I woke up alone and I was grateful for it. It was rare, but I used to have nightmares of that night I lost my parents and even of that night with Blake, to make it worse they'd come to haunt me at the same time. But surprisingly, they stopped when I was sleeping with Blake. It's not that we did anything together, we just shared the bed.

Was that what they meant when they said that those who hurt you become the only ones who can help you move on?

"I was just reminiscing about what had been happening through the previous month," was my shy reply as I hid in the base of his neck. I liked being next to him, for some strange reason, it was really nice and comfy. Was it because of me liking him, I wondered? I wasn't sure, all that love deal was still a strange subject to me.

Maybe I should've done some research on the Internet about it, if nothing else helped. Since it was so strange and complicated for me, why did I have to fall in love, when I never even liked anyone much? I wanted to learn it slowly and safely, not for it to simply barge into my life!

For a man I once thought I'd always hate and never see again, at that matter. Love was odd, that's the one thing I was sure of.

"A lot has happened, right?" Blake chuckled. "I hope that you don't plan on giving up on our wedding." He joked, but I could feel a hint of seriousness in his voice.

One Night Stand with Billionaire: BOOK 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora