*Chapter 10: We haven't Clawed each Other yet

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The fact that I seem to write only about worlds where illnesses aren't a big deal kind of amazes me. Even if it's a modern world like this, you can still randomly find a rich CEO to save the day - which kind of amazes me. Was I really this positive, ah?

* * * 

What we decide may haunt us because we made the wrong choice or we waited for too long . . . But mostly it's because we made that decision in the rush. That brings us forth circumstances. Then meeting with more circumstances. That's what "fate" actually is.

I woke up with . . . nothing. I actually woke up without soreness or pain in my back. I didn't feel like getting up at all. What day was it? Oh yeah, Saturday. I was sick if Ryan called. But then again, I needed money. My life officially sucked. I swear to everything there was, my life was hell.

Sighing, I tried to stand up, but something pinned me down. An arm. A strong muscular arm to be more precise. Wait, what?

Suddenly, the previous night came rushing in my head. Blake. That guy. He's the one living here, and I've been sleeping in his bed. He's sleeping next to me. No, no, no, no, no it couldn't be. How could I have let it happen? I had to get out of here, and fast!

I tried to move, but he wouldn't even budge. What the fudging cake was his arm made of? I groaned and elbowed him in his ribs, but to no avail. This thing that jumped at me from every single corner was toned like a whale. Maybe I exaggerated, not really a whale, but he was too heavy compared to my tiny body. Yes, I unwillingly admitted that my height was the size of a midget.

Seeing as I had no other options, I elbowed him even stronger. Please work. I was going to try and whisper something so it would seem like he was still dreaming and that I wasn't even real. Hopefully it would work, because right then I heard a groan and he soon started stirring. Finally! Okay, now my plan to—

"What the hell . . ." He rubbed the spot I previously hit and I realized that it maybe won't work as I planned. "Go back to sleep, it's not even"—he checked the clock on a night board which flashed 04:58—"five in the morning! What the hell woman? You better have a good damn excuse why you fucking woke me up this early."

I sighed. He had a really nice way with words. So much from my plan to hypnotize him and leave without a trace.

"Saturday, work, morning shift. Ring a bell?" I yawned and he groaned even louder than the previous time. For some reason, I was much calmer than I needed, but I was also feeling a bit lightheaded so I tried to finish my escape as soon as possible. At that moment, a single thought hit me and I prayed that the morning sickness hadn't kicked in yet.

"I will pay you twice the payment you get if you continue sleeping, now good night!" He snapped, burying his head in the pillow and this time it was my turn to protest. Didn't he have a job to do, as well? No wait, why are we even sharing the same bed?

My brain that still hadn't awakened properly began to ring bells of alarm. Was I taking this a bit too well? Were the pregnancy moods this scary?

"I can't just ditch my job to just lay in bed. I have responsibilities, you know? And what about you? Don't you have some work to do?" I told him and he just took that pillow from under his head and put it across his head so he couldn't listen to me anymore, I'd say. Just then, another wave of nausea hit me and I bit my lip as I laid down to calm my upsetting belly.

God help me with this.

I felt sorry for the mashed potatoes from yesterday.

I've read all about morning sickness, but to experience this myself was like a completely different story. It's like a doctor telling you that injection will just sting a little bit, but for you, it'll feel like someone penetrated your skin with the kind of nail you'd kill a vampire with.

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