Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Older Bek POV

Few know the whole story. From what I recall, it goes like this...

Before history began, Egypt was the birthplace of all life. A paradise worthy of the gods who created it. So the gods decided to live there, alongside their lesser creation, man.

But there was no mistaking the gods amongst the mortals who worshipped them. The gods were taller with gold running through their veins instead of blood and could transform at will into all manner of frightening beasts.

Egypt itself was divided between two mighty brothers. Osiris, the God of Life, was the beloved king of all the lands made bountiful by the Nile. His brother, Set, ruled the far barren desert finding both strength and bitterness in his isolation.

But then the time came for Osiris to crown a new king, his only son, Horus. It was a decision that would test the brothers' bond and the fate of all Egypt.



–The day before–

I was walking down the market streets, admiring the clothes, jewels, and merchandise that they all had. Being in a different time and world makes you feel like it's a dream, but it's a reality for me instead. I smiled as I looked around, eventually walking into the market square, where the statue of Osiris was.

I looked up into the sky to see something golden flying through the sky and I smiled upon the realization that it was Horus, doing his daily fly in the sky. We accidentally caught each other's eye from a long distance and I blush a deep red color, looking away due to shyness. I smiled shyly as I continued my walk and I head back to the shared home I have with my twin brother, Bek, and his lover Zaya, who I've grown to adore and call her my sister.

Zaya and I were talking about dresses to wear for the coronation the next day, trying to figure out what to wear then.

Zaya then looked at me, "You going to wear something to impress Horus?"

I blushed deeply and turned to her a little quickly, "W-what?? What do you mean..?"

Zaya did her cute laugh and smiles at me, "I know about that little crush of yours on Horus."

I sighed softly and look away from her a little, "I doubt he notices me. He's surrounded by women all the time in his fancy palace...not to mention Hathor is there with him."

Zaya gave a sad smile and help my hands to hers, "He will one day, I promise. Tomorrow will be the chance he'll see you at the coronation. Trust me, once we find the perfect dress, he won't keep his eyes off of you." She winks at me and I smile, laughing at her promise.

"Okay okay, I get it, Zaya. Thanks a lot," I say, hugging her as she hugs back, "Bek picked the right woman~! When are you two going to get married??"

She pulled away and smacks my arm in a friendly way as I laughed at her reaction, "Oh c'mon! You two are the most lovestruck couple I have ever seen in my life! You knew this was going to happen!"

Zaya chuckles, "We'll talk about it once you and Horus are together."

I blushed and I nod, "Alright but that's going to be a long time anyway."


A/N: Here is the first chapter of the book, which I made it so it was the day before Horus's coronation, to show the relationship between Zaya and Y/N. It was to also show the brief interaction between Horus and Y/N at the beginning. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, I will create a chapter of Y/N's info. I'm not very good with dialogue or action scenes but I will do my very best on them. Don't have a good day, have a great day birdies! <3

Word Count: 640

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