Chapter 10

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In the time Hiccup was gone, disaster struck on the Isle of Berk. His theory of Meatlug's eggs being in that barn was correct, and all of them had hatched in the huts of the Vikings.

Astrid had thought it would be a good idea to wrap bows around the eggs and place one in everyone's hut as a new Snoggletog tradition, but when the eggs hatched the huts got damaged from the explosions.

As people were running around trying to put out the fires and gather the Gronckle hatchlings, Stoick looked over the damage sadly.

He sighed as Gobber came up to him.

"Ah, Gobber, this is a disaster."

"Ah, it's not so bad." Gobber tried to reason, but it was obvious that Snoggletog was in shambles this year.

"Oh, not that bad? The village is destroyed. The dragons are still in mating season and won't return for a few more days. Let's face it–this holiday is a complete– What are those people looking at?" Stoick asked as he stopped himself mid-sentence and looked at some Vikings that were focused on the sky.

Stoick took a closer look at what they were all looking at and noticed that there were shimmering figures in the sky.

"What is that?" He asked.

As the figures came closer to the island, it was revealed to be Hiccup and all the dragons with the figurehead boat filled with hatchlings. Everyone's eyes widened when they realized what was going on.

"It's Hiccup!" Stoick shouted.

"And our dragons!" Astrid added as she spotted Stormfly in the flock that was following the boat.

The Vikings cheered in joy as the boat was placed in the plaza and all the dragons landed. When the boat tipped over, all the hatchlings spilled out with it. Everyone ran to their dragons and the hatchlings as Hiccup hopped down from Hookfang and backed away from the crowd.

"Yeah! Whoo-hoo!" Snotlout shouted as he ran towards Hookfang joyously.

Fishlegs spotted Meatlug and smiled.

"MEATLUG!" He yelled out as he ran to her and encased her in a hug.

Astrid ran to Stormfly with a huge smile on her face.

"Stormfly! You're back! And look at the cute little ones!" She said happily as she crouched down to look at Stormfly's hatchlings.

"Hahaha! Well done, Hiccup!" Stoick said as he clamped a hand onto the boy's shoulder.

"Thank you chief. Wasn't planning on this, but the dragons were eager to come back." Hiccup replied as he looked around the plaza a bit down in the dumps, but it went unnoticed.

"Everyone! Grab your dragons! To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate!" Stoick bellowed and everyone cheered.


It was a full-blown celebration as soon as everyone entered the Great Hall. People were singing songs, spending time with their dragons and loved ones, and some were even getting drunk off the mead.

Hiccup stayed out of the way in a corner as he watched everyone mingle.

'If only Kala were here to see this..' He thought sadly, feeling very left out.

Snotlout made his way over to his little cousin with Hookfang when he noticed how down he was. He patted him on the shoulder and leaned against the wall they were next to.

"You okay cuz?" He asked and got a shake of the head as an answer. "I know it must be hard seeing everyone with their dragons man, but you did an awesome thing. So, thanks."

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