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                     "Dancing on Empty Wallets."    

                                      L I A M

My membership in Carl's gang only lasted a couple months. In those months, I managed to launch a man-hunt on both Miles and I. Although Miles may not have been the cheat they accused him to be, I certainly was the thief Carl hunted me for. I wouldn't deny it, not even to him.

I didn't just steal form Carl; occasionally, I would spy for him. On other gangs, at clubs. Determine what kinds of weapons they wielded, how much cash they spent, and how long they would gamble for. I was young, with no tattoos to taint my body or piercings to paint me as troubled. I was the perfect spy.

Some might've said that I should've ended up dead. The odds were undeniably stacked against me. In the end, though, I surfaced victorious all because I took a bullet for a pretty girl.

One night, Carl assigned me to a club called Hell's Jungle. He told me that very high profile gangs were set to be there. I mingled among them, pretending to gamble alongside them, even though I knew nothing about cards, not like Miles did.

When shots started to fire, I caught the eye of a girl, bright green eyes and hair like the night. A bullet was going straight to her alarmed face. I was no martyr. I was selfish, especially in my time under Carl's gang, yet something told me to leap in front of her. The bullet never entered my body, but it grazed my shoulder. I still had the scar. It seemed to itch as I halted my car before the gate of the Creeds gang facility.

The girl's name, the one I took a bullet for, was Haley Pierce, younger sister to Nathan Pierce. The King of the Creeds, some called him. The leader of one of the biggest gangs in the city.

The gate buzzed open, and I quickly pressed the gas, turning into the gang's parking lot. Most of the vehicles were located in the indoor lot, which left free reign for me. Nathan's gang members were posted everywhere, guns drawn and eyes alert. When I exited the car, I looked around and locked eyes with one of the guards. Brown hair and caramel skin.

Alvin. His grin was wicked as he told the others to lower their weapons.

I couldn't believe I was back here again, the place where I considered submitting. Where Nathan offered me a spot among the knife experts. I remembered turning it down, because I couldn't leave Lilia. I didn't want to. Someone had to protect her.

"Coleman," Alvin said, brown eyes bright. I remembered when he furiously thanked me for saving his girl. He told me that I had his respect. "What the hell? You changed your mind about Nate's offer? You wan—,"

I interrupted him, "All right, slow down. You know I'm not here for that," I said, giving him a knowing look.

His expression turned downcast as he said, "Yeah, I know, man. I still had to try, though. It'd be fun having you around."

I clapped him on the shoulder and grinned, "I'm here now, am I not?"

He nodded, grinning again. He was about to say something before a screech sounded behind Alvin. Here we go.

"LIAM!," Haley said, flinging herself into my arms. "You're here, you're here, you're here!"

Alvin chuckled and said, "Let the guy breathe, babe."

I ruffled her hair as she pulled back and she swatted my hand away. "Where have you been, savior? Is there something wrong?."

Haley looked to her boyfriend with concern.

"I'm sorry, really," I said, knowing full well I wasn't thinking about them when I was with Miles. "Things got complicated. I need to speak with Nate."

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