Insomnia - Tammy

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Tammy is a good friend of Lou and Debbie who are mothers figures to (y/n) since she is a child. She discovers (y/n) is having troubles to sleep and helps her.

-- words count : 800 --

It's already 7 am and I didn't sleep all night. My eyes are nearly closed because I'm very tired, but I can't fall asleep so I decide to get downstairs with the girls as I know some of them wake up early.

I meet Tammy on the kitchen, she is the only one here yet and she smiles at me.

"Hi (y/n)."

"Hi..." I whisper with tiredness. I open the fridge and take the orange juice.

"I made a fresh fruit salad, do you want to try it ?" Tammy asks me.

I nod and I sit next to her. As I'm eating, I can feel Tammy analyzing my face. I raise my head and meet her beautiful brown eyes.

"You seem so tired sweetheart." She said with her hand on my cheek.

"I'm okay, don't worry."

"No, I'm worried. Do you sleep ?" She asks me concerned, but before I could answer something, Constance, Lou and the other girls are up. They greet everyone and I stand up. As I finish cleaning my dishes, I come back to me room, but I can feel Tammy staring at me with a concerned expression.

I want to tell her, I want her to help me so badly but I can't. I can't worry her because she'll talk about it to Debbie and Lou and they'll worry even more and then everyone will know about my troubles to sleep and they'll look after me and I don't want them to be behind my back all the time, and above all for things I'm suppose to know how to do since I'm a baby, like sleeping.

As I try to fall asleep again, I can hear the girls laughing downstairs. I can't even rest in this place. I'm so angry and so tired at the same time, I know I can't think straight because of my tiredness.

I try to spend the whole day sleeping, but without success. The evening arrive and I eat silently with the girls. I can see Tammy looking at me again, with the same expression than this morning.

I excuse myself quickly because I finally feel the slumber coming. As I run upstairs, I brush my teeth and put on some comfortable pajamas. But when I slip under the covers, the slumber is gone. I sigh as I can feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm so tired, I just want to rest. I curl myself in my bed until I find a comfortable position, but nothing works. I can't sleep.

I stare at the ceiling, tears flooding my face until I feel thirsty. I stand up and go downstairs. I make myself a glass of water, and when the glass is empty, I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump and look behind me, to be meet with Tammy's perfect face.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't want to scare you. What are you doing up ? It's 3 am !" She whisper very quietly, in order not to wake the other girls.

"Already 3 am ?" I say as I realize I won't sleep this night, again.

"Go back to sleep (y/n), it's too late for you."

"It's too late for you too." I answer.

"I know, and I wish I was sleeping right now, but I'm having a very bad insomnia. I can't fall asleep." She says, looking deep in my eyes.

"Really ? You can't fall asleep too ?"

She shakes her head and slightly smile at me. "I understood few days ago that you have the same problem, but I didn't know how to talk to you about it. You seemed so tense and I know it's because you're tired."

Tears are filling my eyes as I slowly feel less lonely in my problem.

"Now go back to bed and try to rest a bit sweetie." Tammy says as she put her hand on my back, walking me to my room.

"Could you... No forget about it, it's stupid." I say looking down.

"No, tell me what's in this little head of yours."

"Could you maybe try to lay down with me tonight ? It could help the both of us... I don't know."

"Of course, I was going to suggest it to you. Come to my room, I already made the bed for the both of us." She replies smiling.

We walk to he room and she had already set pillows for another person as well as a water bottle in the nightstand and some books. I lay in the bed next to her and she allows me to put my head on her chest. I slowly close my eyes as I can hear her shushing sweet things.

"Sleep tight (y/n). I love you sweetheart, you deserve to rest now. I'm here, nothing can happen. Sweet dreams."

And I finally fall asleep, with the warmth of Tammy and her sweet snores.

Sarah Paulson & Characters x Reader - Mental Health One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now