A Cry for Help - Abby Gerhard (part 2)

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part 2 (last part)

TW : Eating Disorder, Talk of suicide, Drowning

-- words count : 520 --

When I open my eyes, I'm laying on my towel, and Abby is sitting next to me, tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God (y/n) you scared me to death !" She screams so I plug my ears. And instantly her expression soften.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you but I was just so worried. You were drowning and I didn't know if I was able to save you. Oh (y/n) what is happening with you." She says holding her sobs, as I do the same.

"Honey you need to look at yourself, you need to open your eyes to the fact that you're sick ! I saw you skipping meals. And I notice how you hide your body by wearing large clothes. But you can't hide that eternally or you'll die."

"And what if it's what I want ?!" I asked sitting up. "What if I wanted to stay in the water and drown ?"

"You don't mean it." Abby whispers wiping my tears.

"Yes I do ! I don't want to live like this anymore Abby. I'm tired of looking like a big cow I'm just so disgusting ! I want to hide from everyone I want to be alone I want to stop I want to die I- I want to die..." After saying that I immediately broke down.

"Oh sweetie..." Abby replied taking me in her embrace and hugging me tight as I keep sobbing until it's only some little cries that escape my mouth.

"I'm going to help you honey. You're going to get better I promise, you just need to accept my help."

"But I can't." I murmur hiding my face in her tight hug.

"Yes you can. I know you can. You're so strong, I knew that the first time I saw you when you were only a baby. Now you're nearly a woman and I can tell you're going to do great things but for that you need to take the help people offer. The help I offer."

"Okay..." I whimper scared of what it'll be.

"Alright. Maybe we should try now."

"Try what ?" I say pushing her and looking at her with panicked eyes.

"Try to eat. Just a small thing, to start. You just dealt with a traumatic experience, you need to take back some strength."

And as I know I can't fight her, I just agree. I sit on her towel, my back resting on her chest as she takes out of her bag an apple.

"Ready ?" She asks and I nod, wiping the new wave of tears that are erupting from my tired and irritated eyes. She takes the apple to my mouth as I open it and take a little bite.

"Good (y/n) very good I'm so proud of you. I know it's a big effort you just did." Abby praises, and she keeps doing that until there is nothing left except the core.

"Great, good girl. Now let's rest a bit here and enjoy the sun. You deserve it." She kisses my temple and I lay next to her, knowing that she'll be by my side as long as I need her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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